Most people tend to start the New Year full of eager resolutions, ready to cut down (or cut out completely) on alcohol, sugar and salt, or gluten, carbs or fat (or indeed whatever their perceived poison is!) They’ll also aim to go to the gym 4 times a week in a purge-filled, post-Christmas guilt-fest; however as the weeks go on and reality hits, we soon realise that perhaps cutting out everything wasn’t such a good idea after all. And the promise to exercise every day isn’t always feasible with hectic work schedules, family or social commitments and everything else that daily life throws at us.

So before long the resolutions are forgotten about and life carries on the same way as before.

For a long time I’ve not bothered with New Year’s resolutions. I hate to sound smug, but instead I try to ingrain healthy habits for the whole year – but at the same time I don’t beat myself up if I fall off the wagon. Because, ya know, #BALANCE!

Here are some thoughts on long term resolutions - or healthy life goals as I like to call them!


Keep a wellness diary

This time last year I made a promise to myself to spend the year ahead focusing on me and start saying yes to as many opportunities as possible. I think I am naturally inclined to focus on keeping those close to me happy and often put their needs before my own and, in the past, this has proven to be detrimental to my own health and wellbeing.

So I decided to focus on getting it a bit more balanced! I said yes to things that would usually make me apprehensive, spent time travelling,  seeing friends and doing things that I love and ended up having a wonderful 2019 whilst getting to know (and love) myself a whole lot better. I definitely want to take this habit into 2020 and continue to appreciate and love my body and self just the way I am.

A good way to start this change of mindset is to start making lists of your wellness habits (the good, bad and the ugly!) on a day to day basis. Start by making a list of your goals (emotional, psychological and physical), a reasonable time frame to achieve them as well as an action plan on how to achieve them.

Start making a note of everything that goes into your body (food, drink, supplements) as well as sleep habits, weight, exercise and relaxation.
This can allow you to see bad habits and influences you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes we have to let go of things (and people) as they aren’t good for us, no matter how much we want them. So if you have any toxic people in your life or people that bring you down, then don’t be afraid to close the door on them on 2020.


Take up yoga
If you are not a yoga person then why not take it up this year? Not only are the benefits endless, but it is great for toning! And PS, it can be Body Balance or Pilates or Reformer Pilates – whatever gets you stretching and breathing is definitely good.

Walk when you can
Never underestimate the benefits of walking. Walk to work instead of driving… or if you get the bus, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. I know I’ve talked about this many times before on the blog, but I often do ‘walk and talk’ meetings with clients, which are a great way to get some fresh air whilst having productive chats without any distractions (or sugary snacks at a café!).

Cut down on processed foods
Refined, processed foods aren’t great for the body. They often contain high levels of salt, sugar and preservatives. Try and stick to fresh fruit and vegetables which will keep you fuller for longer and give you the vitamins you need.

Plan healthy meals in advance
Try and do a weekly meal planner to avoid ‘convenience eating’. After work when you’re feeling tired it can be easy to reach for the microwavable meals, but by planning and shopping in advance it means you are guaranteed to have a nutritious meal. *Batch cooking on Sundays is – for me – quite therapeutic and depletes some of the Sunday fear as you get such a feeling of accomplishment when it is done!


And one of my main ones that I think should be everyone’s focus…

We can be our own worst enemies and find ourselves plagued by the comparison thief, especially when we spend too long scrolling online. If you do one thing this year, make sure to take a digital detox and stop spending hours trawling through Instagram comparing yourself to your favourite models, superstars and bloggers. Not only do they know the best angles and lights, they also know the best apps to use and underneath the glamour and makeup they also have their own insecurities, like we do, so always be kind to yourself when comparing – and be kind to them too. There is enough negativity in the world without adding to it by posting nasty remarks under pictures or criticising others’ action, just don’t be that person. You come across badly. Always.