The festive season is full of boozy lunches, roast dinners and cocktails galore for some (and we won’t even mention the half-eaten sweetie tins and cheeseboards in my kitchen, because well, they don’t count, right?!)

All of this can make the waist band a little tighter come January and February – and in the spirit of balance, we shouldn’t beat ourselves up or force ourselves to run to the nearest gym, with their restrictive membership contracts and costly fees, but if you *do* want to get a little fitter and lose those extra pounds then check out these super-effective tips for keeping fit without the gym below… In short, it’s about moving more – so just find something which allows you to get into your groove and you’re half way there.

1.    Walk when possible

Walking is the most underrated exercise, it’s what us human beings are made for, literally! Plus, getting out in the fresh air automatically makes you feel so much better inside and out, and it gets the heart pumping at the same time – so it’s a win-win! I love doing ‘walk & talk’ meetings and often meet clients and friends for a coastal walk instead of the usual office or café meetup; and it is so much more productive!
Ditch the car, and the dreadful commute or get the bus or train to work and get off at the stop before and walk the extra mile (or kilometre), you’ll see the results in no time and will feel more energetic going into the office.  Most, if not all, iPhones now have a HEALTH app and your phone can count your daily steps, which is a great indicator of how you’re doing. If you have a target (and it doesn’t have to be the much-talked-about 10,000 steps a day), it will not only make you feel better and boost self esteem as you improve each day and each week.

2.    Workout videos

There are TONNES of free workout videos online which you can do in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. It can also be worthwhile investing in some basic gym equipment like dumb bells to power up your workout. I got mine in a charity shop – so they don’t have to be expensive! You can even use bags of sugar or flour from the cupboards, or I’ve seen videos of new mums using their babies as weights 😊 (obviously this is done with care for the baby!).
Even without a video it’s easy to find simple exercise lists on Pinterest or Instagram. Maybe try to use these to add in some bodyweight exercises to your day? Planks, push ups, squats and star jumps are all great ways to get moving, and you can even do them whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. Since Valentina was little, I always suggest 10 star jumps then a hug if we’re feeling cold. And it works!

3.    Get an app

There are lots of apps available that are packed with quick workout videos. 7 minute workout is a great app that personalises workouts depending on your needs, plus, they are short which is great when you don’t have lots of time!


4.    Take the stairs

Did you know that climbing stairs burns more calories per minute than jogging?! Forget the elevator and the escalator and take the stairs, it will work wonders for your health!

5.    Join a sports club

Taking up a new sport is a fantastic way of keeping fit and you get to meet lots of new people which is always great! There are also lots of local amenities like tennis courts etc across all councils here that are either free to use or charge a small amount, so why not grab your friends and use a bit of healthy competition to get that heart racing?

6.      Drink water

Regular readers will now that water is one of my beauty and health (not-so) secrets! Not only is it great for your skin, organs and general healthy but replacing your usual fizzy drink with water is one of the easiest ways to lose excess weight and get your metabolism functioning properly – not to mention brain fog etc etc (see my full blog here). Sometimes we can mistake thirst for hunger so drinking 2-3 litres of water in the day time can stop us from reaching for sugary snacks throughout the day too!

7.    Run!

The NHS couch-to-5k is a great app for beginner runners. Once you have the app you can work at your own pace, repeating weeks when necessary. There are also lots of local couch-to-5k groups, and the FREE Park Run courses across towns and cities, so if you like the social aspect of working out then find your local one and join up – you will never look back.

8.    Create your own bootcamp

Why not grab some friends and create your own bootcamp? All you need is some creativity and a pair of trainers. In fact, you don’t have to be in a bunch – create your own DIY camp. And if you’re really game, film it for posterity or to share online. Head to your garden or a local park and create a circuit, doing each activity for 30-90 seconds.  You can do things like jumping jacks, plank, jumping squats, lunges and lots more!

9.    Take a hike

OK so hiking is just like walking, except in the hills… So this is point 1 on repeat, but with scenery. We are so lucky to live in NI where there are so many beautiful places to take a hike. The Mourne Mountains, Slemish, Cave Hill or any of the coastal, forest or river paths around us provide some amazing views whilst also getting the heart working! Remember to wear comfy shoes, bring water and snacks and make sure people know where you are going.

10.  Swim!

Only the bravest – or maddest – souls go swimming outdoors, but so many people are doing it now. My local beach at Helen’s Bay has daily regulars, while in nearby Bangor there is a pretty robust (and, by all accounts, fun) club and I have heard of many others across the country from as far away as Hamsptead Heath in London to Howth in Dublin Bay. Cold water therapy does wonders for the circulation as well as the central nervous system. I’ve not been brave enough yet, but maybe this is the year! Let me know if you dare to dip!