In this week's blog Kim from Seventh Heaven shares her top tips for reducing anxiety and stress...

Small methods, life changing results, implemented to a daily routine

In this blog I am going to focus on Anxiety & Stress, a global epidemic actively touching so many humans on our planet! Both Anxiety & Stress are the origins of illness and dis-ease in the body, when not living in harmony. Our bodies are super smart and have a way of speaking through illness in order to make us pay attention and become aware of what is going on from within.

Many of those reading this are, I imagine, living on the green isle of Ireland, either North or South. Our island contains major levels of stress from the ground up. It's an island of inactive volcanic rock mixed with a history of famine, invasion and war, all of which is trauma. My belief is that all of this has a detrimental and genetic effect to our energetic frequencies, not to mention the pressures of today's society, technology and this increasing illusion that we need to "keep up” and “perform".  

Firstly, we need to understand how to identify anxiety & stress and does it apply to each of us? 


Up until last year, I spent most of my life living with anxiety, never truly identifying patterns of behaviour as anxiety & stress because it was all I'd ever known from the age of four years old, my conditioning was to "get up and get on with it". 

Growing up, fear and trauma locked in at a very young age. Experiencing a somewhat turbulent childhood meant constantly living in "fight or flight" mode with my adrenal and cortisol levels on constant high alert in order to deal and cope with signs and moments of danger. 

My teens were spent in living with an invisible illness that no doctor believed was real until getting diagnosed at the age of 22 with Endometriosis. Endometriosis literally took over my twenties more than my teens; 11 operations, several false menopauses and copious levels of HRT to shut down my reproductive system and give it rest. So, you guessed it - more anxiety, more stress, and an increasing resilience to keep going and battle through it. In 2008, the Endometriosis cleared completely simply because I started changing my attitude towards it all. I switched from medication to no meditation, did some energy healing then started yoga plus refused any further surgery. Life got significantly brighter & better, my thirties have been a total breath of fresh air. 

All of the above meant that I was super sensitive; in the past I was afraid of flying, deep water, dogs, driving, being in large crowds, too much noise, and mostly just being afraid to be myself, as anxiety has a big impact on self-esteem. PTSD was rife and the anxiety created a heightened sensitivity to everything around me. Total adrenal overload. 

Last year the "Get Up and Get on With It" came back to bite me, yet this time things came to a head. Life challenges were coming at 100 mph via all directions, so anxiety and stress raised their ugly heads again - this time it literally "floored me". A scary stage in my life, yet with many positive, transformative outcomes and the most enlightening life lessons, I decided to take six months out from teaching and work on myself full time for a change.

Today I can gladly say that I no longer experience anxiety or stress on a daily basis - or in fact, I barely experience it at all.  A massive statement for me to acknowledge, let alone share out to the masses.

Now, I'm not saying my life did a miraculous u turn in one year where anxiety cured itself over that period. It has taken years of self work and self healing.  Last year was the penultimate phase of my life – when I realised that this "Get Up and Get on With It" was utter BS. My body said ‘enough!’ as she couldn't keep going anymore, so this was my time to heal once and for all.

Over the years my journey towards healing was probably done arse about face; firstly, I underwent relaxation techniques, meditation, healing and yoga and only latterly worked on the origins of anxiety. With hindsight, it would have been easier the other way around, yet my belief is that everything is meant to be and I wouldn't change a single thing. 

I’m sharing my experience with you to "keep it real", to not be afraid of opening up and deliver an authentic voice when talking about a topic that I have first hand knowledge of. We need to be comfortable in saying out loud "It’s OK to NOT be OK" and “It's NOT OK to NOT be OK".

Like many of my wellbeing industry colleagues, I am happy to admit that I am far from perfect and by no means super-human. Even with years spent gaining qualifications & skills for teaching myself and helping others to relax, breathe etc, my biggest learning came from the recognition of anxiety in itself and the social patterns behind it, not the tools to I had built up to help cope and ease it. 

I feel the epidemic of anxiety & stress has spiralled beyond control, and I’m increasingly seeing it among my students and clients, hence speaking out. We need to talk more, be upfront and raise awareness, not only for ourselves but for our colleagues, loved ones, friends - and most importantly, the children of future generations. First, we must connect to ourselves for healing (if applicable), then reach out to others. 

This is my experience, and I am grateful for everything that's occurred in my life to shape the person I am today. Each of us are unique and different, we each react or tolerate to anxiety & stress in different ways.


There are several layers to Anxiety & Stress and the two often occur simultaneously. Below I list some of the emotional, mental and physical identifiers. Some of these symptoms are so subtle as we can become accustomed to living with them for decades. Stress can be silent and quite hard to detect. 

Emotional & Mental

  • Poor concentration & decision making
  • Feeling overwhelmed 
  • Feeling out of control, or losing control
  • Difficulty or inability to "quieten the mind" with racing thoughts
  • Constant worry of what others will think
  • Constant worry about everything (what if attitude) 
  • Low self-esteem which factors self-critique, worthlessness, hopelessness
  • Isolation and avoiding others


  • Low energy & increasing fatigue
  • Nervousness and shaking
  • Chest pain & tightness and rapid heartbeat 
  • Insomnia 
  • Tunnel vision
  • Headaches (tension)
  • Upset stomach, including diarrhoea, constipation, and nausea
  • Stiff joints, pains, and tense muscles
  • Frequent colds and infections
  • Low immune system 
  • Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
  • Continuous ringing in ears (tinnitus)
  • Cold or sweaty hands and feet
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Dry mouth
  • Clenched jaw, grinding teeth


The first step in dealing with anxiety & atress must start with you, recognising the signs and taking action. 

None of us are handed a rule book on life (that would be too easy), instead we learn from situations and surroundings so that our little brains during childhood can perceive and react to the world around us. Life is all about patterns which leads into frequency and vibration. Anxiety & Stress are vibrations and it’s up to us to change those frequencies to create a harmonious symphony to life. 

Although, imagine if we did have rule book on life? What might it tell us? Here’s what I think it might say:

·         Life doesn't have to be hard, keep it simple

  • Don't resist change, its inevitable 
  • Find contentment in what you have right now
  • Be the best version of you, for you, not for others
  • Congratulate your achievements
  • Know that it's ok to fail (look at positively as a life lesson, not failure)
  • Surround yourself with those who inspire you, not pull you down - this includes family members!
  • Daily self love and compassion
  • Know it's ok to say NO
  • Sit with your fears and work through the illusions 
  • Do what makes you truly happy
  • Embrace the moment
  • Know that things will pass, whatever the situation
  • Talk to your inner child, it's always there
  • Live in the NOW
  • Most importantly....have fun with everything you do!


Easy to say, right? But when we’re stressed, just breathing is not so easy. Physically our diaphragm tightens, we hunch over and make this muscle and the psoas muscle tighter resulting in the lungs being unable to breathe at full capacity. Our chest and abdomen muscles also tighten, and these play a major role in allowing us deep long slow breaths to calm the body and mind, when relaxed.

We suggest. Take a few moments every day with regular periods to sit with deep breaths, fully aware of the slow and paced inhale and exhale. Ensure your exhales are longer than your inhales. When stressed, we tend to breathe only from the upper chest. A deep relaxing breath should come from the abdomen:  belly-ribs then up to chest. 

Whether you do this exercise in the shower, or in your car driving to work, maybe even sitting at your desk, (and most importantly with exercise), remember that your breath is there wherever you go too! 

What can we say! Mother Nature is the biggest healer we have and how blessed we are as she's all around us. Nature gives us everything we need and more. 

We suggest. Trees are literally part of our life exilir, they convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen using the energy from sunlight. We cannot live and breathe without them. They are our main source of energy and life force. Pretty awesome to hang off, sit under and even hug, yes hug! A lot of healing properties and qualities come from trees. 

Equally getting our feet onto the grass, natural water or sand. They all have a healing and grounding effect on us, along with taking active walks or climbs in nature can help too. 

The Ocean - Sea water is full of ions (healthy negative ones) which our bodies absorb to deliver more oxygen. When by the sea our body’s natural energy gets infused and lifts, making us feel more energised and relaxed. Often, people with sleep disorders and even eczema are recommended to get into the sea or walk along the beach by doctors.

Meditation, the powerful tool to heal from within. This is where all the answers lie. Nothing outside can gives us anymore answers than what we already 'know" from the self.

Neurotransmitters fire signals to our parasympathetic nervous system allowing our body to produce more serotonin and oxycontin - the happy hormone chemicals tell the body it's OK and safe to relax. Long term Meditation reduces anxiety and stress which overall improves our health and wellness.

Yoga is a meditation in itself but with many benefits, we are moving stagnant energy within our bodies, meditating with movement whilst using our breath to increase the flow of blood and oxygen through the body and releasing energy that is of a negative tone. 

The practice also increases flexibility, helping bones and joints to release any stiffness, eliminating anxiety and stress; yoga is also an overall mood booster and sleep enhancer, so what’s not to love?!

We suggest. When we take time 10-20 minutes to close our eyes, move inwards to a space of quietness, stillness for some self-realisation - this strengthens and eliminates any doubts or worry. Equally 20 minutes daily of yoga will have a great impact on anxiety and stress too. 

As you read this, you are very likely using a phone, tablet or desktop. With our phones usually glued to our hand or in our pockets, taking time to completely unplug for a certain period of time away from technology can be significantly de-stressing. 

We suggest. If desk bound, take 5 minutes to get up and walk around the office periodically, away from computer screens to move the body, clear the mind and just spend some time in active breathing. 

Take the phone out of the bedroom at night and give yourself a wind down period before going to bed away from the phone. 

Change the "blue screen" to night mode on all devices, blue light gives devices their brightness on our and when reduced will aid against keeping brain to stay alert which can lead to long term insomnia and depression. 

Ensure you get enough! Simples.

We suggest. Give yourself a time to wind down at night, no coffee or caffeine, eat lightly before bed (some say at least 4 hours before bed) and ensure your space is a technology free zone - and that includes a TV.

Technology pollutes the air with electronic smog which leaks into our body’s energy system and plays havoc with our frequencies and vibrations, upsetting the body’s natural harmony. 

Journaling is a very cathartic method for releasing and transferring thoughts from the mind. View journaling as moving storage files from one place to another, a mind dump. When we take time to create To Do lists, express thoughts, feelings, dreams onto paper, it instantly stops the cycle of self-perpetuating thoughts. It's also a great way to set goals, once you transfer thought to paper, it becomes an action, before you know it with universal law of attraction, the action becomes your reality!

How many of us can read this and say, I do this? Be Honest. Being still is probably one of the most difficult tasks for humans. Some time spent doing absolutely nothing but relaxing - with no phone, chores, TV and kids – can be difficult. Being still is quite the task, but if we could manage this for a for a least one hour in our day, it's actually refreshingly appetising. It’s a fantastic method for letting the mind rest as well as the body.  

We suggest. Some restorative yoga is a great. Viparita Karani/Legs up the Wall pose is a super one to try. Prop some pillows under the buttocks, add some wheat bags onto the belly, place a blanket across the upper body and an eye mask over the face then give yourself 30 minutes with your legs up the wall. This simple pose has amazing benefits to help depression, calm the mind and ease anxiety and fatigue. 


When the Sensee Facial Contour Definer arrived in the office there was definitely a tittle tattle and a whisper among the team to ascertain whether I’d ordered a sexy toy from Mya or Agent Provocateur, when in fact my pretty package contained a beautiful and ergonomic rose-gold-coloured, hand-held facial massager. (Gosh that was a mouthful!)

Arriving in a beautiful white box, first impressions were excellent, and I was also pleasantly surprised to find that it has a lovely weight to it – this is definitely a quality product.

Although I am lucky to have been blessed with good genes, there is no escaping the fact that as we get older our skin starts to lose its elasticity, so, from luxurious creams and regular facials to drinking copious amounts of water – my best beauty secret – I work hard to maintain some sort of firmness and protection for my skin. Promising to instantly relieve tension, boost blood circulation, stimulate collagen production annnd activate lymphatic drainage to detoxify skin – the Sensee derma roller was hot on my wish list…

Ok - I know what you’re thinking, the shape is certainly interesting and I can’t deny that it looks a little phallic; you may even get some awkward stares if you open this one in the office like I did, but, the truth is, it looks that way because of the job it needs to do - and it has to be said that it is actually a great design that really works - it fits nicely in the hand while the two massage rollers are positioned at the perfect angle to fit any face shape.  


So how does it work?

Following the instructions, I held the handle and swept the roller along the edge of my jawline in an upwards motion for 5 minutes on each side. It was really easy to use, moving seamlessly up my jawline. As advised, I added this into my daily skincare routine, using it after moisturising each morning and evening and it wasn’t long before it became second nature. 

The roller balls have grooves across them which help give a really nice massage effect for an extra bonus. The whole experience left me feeling very relaxed and reduced any previous puffiness much to my delight. I read that the roller is also adaptable so you can use it all over your body, from your arms to your neck. It also doesn’t require batteries which I LOVE, you literally pick it up and do the work yourself. As the roller ball rotates it brings nutrients and oxygen to the collagen and elastin-producing cells in our face, resulting in younger, healthier looking skin.


So far I have only used it on my face and I have definitely noticed changes. My skin feels firmer and definitely stays hydrated for longer, I read online that like the massage techniques of a facialist, derma rollers help the skin absorb moisturiser and gives skin that lovely natural glow so maybe that is why. Incorporating this into my normal skincare routine has been easy and I am definitely going to use it on other areas of my skin in the future to see how it fares there…

Final verdict - this is a gorgeous product that is high quality and will last for years and I would definitely recommend investing in one (although maybe best not to leave it on your bedside table to avoid any awkward explanations)…


Our guest contributor Amy Goldsmith talks us through her top picks for #ValentinesDay in this week’s fashion story…

Whether you and your darling have been together for a while or it’s a relationship that’s just starting to bud, Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to indulge in some romance. What will you be doing this year? Are you and your partner going out to a simple dinner? Will there be roses, chocolate, and grand romantic gestures?

However you decide to celebrate your love, one thing’s for sure –there’s a sweet date waiting for you in the future and you’ve got to be ready for it! Sexy, cute, elegant, you’ve got options to take this date anywhere you want, and we’re here with some cool suggestions to help you put together the perfect outfit.


The way to a man’s heart? Velvet. It’s lush, smooth, and it will engage his senses as his hand brushes over your waist – it simply gives a tactile dimension to your outfit that’ll make him want to sit closer. A soft velvet dress paired with six-inch heels and a cheeky little smirk that promises a hot night ahead will make his mind spin. We recommend the Zara Printed Velvet Crossover Dress because it’ll show off your sexy legs and hug your figure just right; pair it with some burgundy heels and maybe a long coat over it so you can experience that moment of hearing him gasp as you unbutton the coat and slide it off your shoulders...


Demure, sweet, with just a dash of naughty, another great outfit idea is pastel-colored or white lace, preferably something that makes you look delicate, feminine, and still absolutely sexy. This Newlook sheer lilac frill trim top is a gorgeous choice, especially if you pair it with a nude undershirt and slim jeans or trousers. Wear ballet flats and let your hair fall down your shoulders in loose curls and you’ve got a nice, romantic look on your hands that’s so innocently sexy.


Feminine, mysterious, and luxuriously sophisticated, maybe you want a look that will have the guy sweating as he tries to impress you. Enjoy his open-mouthed stare as he sees you in a tight little pencil skirt and something like this Rockmans Elbow Sleeve Ruffle Blouse and black pumps. Pin your hair in a sleek chignon, paint your lips with some wet, nude lip gloss, and give him a smile girl – you’re an elegant goddess and you need to own it! Confidence is an essential part of this look, so enjoy your own beauty!


Maybe you’re an edgy gal who likes to make the head turn wherever she goes, who breaks social conventions and likes to get a little dangerous with her fashion. In that case, leather pants are your friend, baby! Slim leather pants, this satin wrap top, and the magical ingredient – over the knee boots! Throw on a leather jacket, wear bright red lipstick, and rock this bold look! If you want to dial it down a notch you can pick high-waisted skinny jeans instead of leather pants, and maybe switch the shoewear to high-heeled ankle boots


Let’s not forget the most important part – lingerie. Red is almost traditional for Valentine’s Day, but hey, it works. Nothing makes a gal feel sexier than red lingerie, but if you prefer, you can also go for the more mysterious-looking black or charmingly sexy white or pink. However, we’d like to encourage you to take it a step further and wear a corset (we know you always wanted one), because there’s nothing like a little burlesque moment to bring some fantasy and sexy romance to the date (or rather, what comes after it). Imagine yourself in a burgundy corset and black stockings with garters, then imagine your man as he sees you in it. Hot, hot, hot!

Excited about your date? Well there’s nothing like a little shopping session to keep you going until Valentine’s Day is here, so get creative and put together an outfit that will knock his socks off and make you feel sexy and stunning!


I for one am so glad January is over, with its plethora of skin-damaging elements like excessive heating and frosty air, (and sometimes the lack of fresh air from staying inside so much). The combination has a terribly negative effect on my complexion and although February (so far) hasn’t seen much better weather, the budding daffodils are bringing me positive thoughts of spring.

February comes from the Latin Februum, which means to renew or to be reborn, and this month I am having a skin detox to help restore my skin’s complexion.  I’m aiming to try products which are as natural as possible and I’m kick starting the process with the help of Urban Veda.

The Urban Veda range follows the Ayurvedic Indian philosophy of health and wellbeing by harnessing the holistic and therapeutic power of plants – this means there are no nasties hidden in their formulae - they don’t contain parabens, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate), or GM (genetically modified) ingredients (phew!), so it’s an instant thumbs up from me. 

The natural and organic ingredients together with multi-vitamins maintain the skin’s natural balance, preventing breakouts and other conditions resulting from excessive damage from the environment – so far, so good!

I have been using the facial wash and body cream from the Urban Veda Radiance range which is designed to give tired skin a natural glow – and who doesn’t want radiant skin?
The ingredients speak for themselves in this luxurious mix of gloopy goodness; anti-inflammatory turmeric reduces redness and puffiness, a mix of botanicals including coriander to help brighten skin, whilst anti-oxidant rich marigold ensures skin is cleansed and hydrated.

The first point to note is that the range smells amazing, which is always a bonus - when you smell good you feel good, right? I have been using the facial wash for a month now and the gentle formula glides easily onto my skin and removes all traces of makeup (even my stubborn smokey eye make up – annnd it does this without excessive rubbing – which of course is a cause for celebration alone!). In short, it leaves my skin feeling luxuriously smooth. The facial wash also contains Patchouli  which helps heal dry or inflamed skin (it is also said to be good at reducing scarring if a breakout has left its unwanted marks on your skin) leaving skin fresh and hydrated. I’m a soap and water kinda gal, so this wins all the Brownie Points for me.

Next up is the Radiance Body Lotion, which is packed with healing botanical extracts, including sweet almond oil (which I adore) to moisturise and nourish.  The lotion is thick and gorgeously creamy, but absorbed quickly into my skin – without leaving it feeling too oily or sticky. It also smells divine, cocooning my body in its gorgeous floral & herb scent and left my skin feeling super-soft all day - and all month while I trialled it.

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My verdict? Bathroom must-haves! I will definitely be trying out other products in the Radiance range as well as trying some of their other ranges, (they also have a purifying, reviving and soothing range as well). 



I’ve just been to see Pixar’s Coco with my daughter Valentina this weekend and I totally fell in love with the Mexican culture all over again, especially the vivid use of colour; so when I saw this new Frida Calo-inspired Boho party collection from Talking Tables, I got to planning myself a Cinco de Mayo party in my head. Or I may just call Boojum and start a #tacotuesday tradition with my closest amigos because I don’t think I can actually wait that long!

Taking inspiration from the country’s rich culture and history, Boho invokes the exuberant spirit of Mexico and pays homage to artist Frida Kahlo’s brazen spirit and iconic style, with trompe l’oeil embroidery, folk-style geometrics, naïve florals and lavishly costumed llamas – as well as Frida
herself - emblazoned across paper plates, cups and napkins. Referencing the country’s textiles tradition, pom pom lights, food picks, tassel chandeliers and bunting come in an Aztec-inspired palette of bold, punchy brights. Last but not least, a super cute piñata. Perhaps Mexico’s greatest party starter – alongside tequila – it doesn’t get much cooler than Talking Tables’ papier maché llama.

So sling on a sombrero, grab the guac, mix those margaritas and we’re ready to roll.  ¡Viva la fiesta!


The growing global shift from dairy to plant-based milks is showing no sign of abating, and until recently there were two options, neither offering a perfect solution. 

The first, shop-bought nut milk, is usually packaged in non-recyclable containers and has additives that some purists find less than ideal. Plus, the actual nut content can be quite low.

The second solution, i.e. DIY nut milk, has been a "thing" for years. But producing beautiful quality plant-based milks is a labour of love, involving soaking, blending and straining, all of which is time-consuming and a tad messy.


Well, take a bow Nutramilk, a fab nut milk maker which is causing quite a stir. This fab new counter-top machine produces up to 2 litres of pure, fresh nut milk in just 12 minutes. Also produces beautiful creamy butters and dips (as well as perfect fillings for my daily does of protein balls too!)

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The Nutramilk was developed in collaboration with the Industrial Design department of Metropolitan State University of Denver over three years. The result is a truly game-changing machine that alt-milk and nut butter devotees are welcoming with open arms.

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I have literally just ordered mine and cant wait to get started! Will it be as big as the nutribullet? Who knows? But I want to be among the first to find out.



Having lived in Italy for two years I am immediately drawn to films shot there; and this one, by director Ridley Scott, was no exception. Add to that the intrigue of the story – based on fact – about a globally profiled Mafiosi kidnapping of a member of the richest family in the world, and this is a recipe for movie fairy dust in my eyes.


Scott re-tells the true story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III in 1973. Getty was the grandson of oil magnate J Paul Getty, the richest man in the world. He was also the man who stalled for five months before paying the ransom.

This story made headlines in 1973, but it made them again in 2017 even before the film was released because the actor who originally played J Paul Getty was Kevin Spacey, and accusations of his decades-long sexual misconduct surfaced not long after principal photography had wrapped. In light of the accusations, director Ridley Scott re-shot Kevin Spacey’s role, replacing him with Christopher Plummer. This is a pretty big deal in the film industry as the entire cast and crew had to be recalled.

After all the drama, the film has finally made it to the big screen with just 2-3 days’ delay and it’s had some mixed reviews. Some say that Plummer’s version of Getty isn’t as effective as Spacey’s would have been. That far from refusing to pay the ransom, his character seems like he could have been persuaded to give it up quite easily.  I disagree, I thought Christopher Plummer was amazing in his role and that it snapped into place easily with the rest of the film. His Oscar nomination is well deserved and I can’t imagine what Kevin Spacey would have brought to that role that Plummer didn’t deliver – and more.  


And he’s not the only one. There are some seriously good actors in this film.  I particularly enjoyed the bold and fulsome performances of Mark Wahlberg and Charlie Plummer (no relation to Christopher), who played John Paul Getty III and Michelle Williams as his mother, Gail Harris. I actually don’t understand why Michelle didn’t get nominated for an Oscar as she carried most of the film. After her son is kidnapped she is the one working to sway Getty to pay the ransom as her son’s captors become more and more vicious, eventually cutting off his ear in a scene so gruesome (but probably nowhere near the reality 45 years ago) I wretched repeatedly in the cinema.


Mega-director Ridley Scott is evident everywhere in this movie. He has really captured the colour and confidence of this beautiful country but also its ugly side with the Mafiosi.

This is a tense thriller running against a clock mixed with a cautionary tale about the perils and penalties of vast wealth and some very dark humour. It’s stylishly done – as you would expect from Ridley Scott. You definitely won’t fall asleep during this one.


Set in the early days of the Second World War, The Darkest Hour sees a newly-elected Winston Churchill take charge of a (so far) ill-managed war as the Nazis steadily take over western Europe. Britain’s newest prime minister must decide whether to negotiate a peace treaty or continue to fight one of the most formidable armies the world has ever seen.

You’ve probably noticed this film doing the rounds, if not for Gary Oldman alone. At the time of writing he has either won or been nominated for just about every award going for his star turn as the legendary Winston Churchill. The list includes the Oscars, Golden Globes and Baftas, among many others. The female casting was also superb, with Lily James (Cinderella) playing a blinder as Churchill’s secretary and Kristen Scott-Thomas giving a stellar performance as Clemmie, Churchill’s wife.


Churchill was a formidable statesman in so many ways, but this film is keen to show his true self with all of his failings. He smoked and drank to excess, but was also arrogant, gruff and disagreeable, characteristics which lost him both friends and allies in politics. It must be said that this is a war film without a huge amount of war in it. And it’s certainly fascinating to see an uncertain Churchill, trying to hold steadfast in the face of what would become the biggest conflict the planet has ever seen - before or since. But the movie also shows that his biggest conflict wasn’t necessarily with Hilter or Mussolini, but with Chamberlain and Lord Halifax who were scheming for a ‘Peace’ Treaty with Germany and all at once trying to undermine Churchill’s parliamentary and cabinet position. Hindsight proved that at least where Hitler was concerned, Churchill knew the cut of his jib.

I saw The Darkest Hour at around the same time as I was watching another great actor - John Lithgow - portray the great man on the Netflix series The Crown. (Which is unmissable, by  the way). Lithgow’s Churchill again scored him a clutch of awards and nominations. And while both men gave brilliant performances for such a complex character,  Lithgow, for me, had the edge. His performance was softer and showed a more vulnerable side - but then again he was mostly playing the victorious post-war Churchill, who no longer had to stand toe to toe with Adolf Hitler. The only real soft side of Churchill in The Darkest Hour is the scene (which I don’t think is factual) in which he takes to the Tube and touches base with some ‘real life’ folk, if only to justify his own beliefs about going to war. One also feels some sympathy for him in his ‘Black Dog’ moments of depression, however does it make me a bad person if I say he probably shouldn’t have been drinking through those. But who am I to judge, eh?

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The film is quite dark – both in name and in content, but also in the cinematography too, and the only way I can describe it is that it feels like the whole thing was filmed with the Instagram Stories ‘New York’ filter. And for someone who enjoys positive and bright art in general, this made me pay attention – art is supposed to stimulate and provoke, right?

Churchill was not a pleasant person up close and that certainly comes across in the film, but like the British public at the time, we are won over by his genius idea of sending civilian boats to Dunkirk to rescue 300,000 British soldiers fleeing the Nazis. This cemented his celebrity and to this day it holds that one of his biggest victories was actually in retreat. I couldn’t help wondering after I had seen the movie, how much more would he have achieved if he hadn’t smoked or drank his way through most of his days?


The Darkest Hour separates the myth from the man in Winston Churchill. Gary Oldman deserves every one of his nominations and I would happily bet he’ll walk away with an Oscar. How could he not, having given us a glimpse at a real titan of the 20th century?


When Provence, land of enchantment, meets the vibrant feminine flair of an inspiring stationery and lifestyle brand.

This week last year I was milling around Provence searching for truffles among the oak trees of rural farms, so it is fitting that, this week this year, I write about a company whose very scent - when I walk into its stores - reminds me of that part of the world. L’Occitaine was founded in 1976 and has retained a simple and natural ethos in everything it does since.

Likewise, Rifle Paper Co, enjoys a similar approach.  “I started Rifle Paper Co. with the hope of bringing beauty to the everyday,” says Rifle Paper Co.  co-founder and Creative Director Anna Bond, “I’m thrilled to partner with L’OCCITANE, a brand that shares the same sense of small pleasures,  as we create a custom collection inspired by the gardens of Provence.”

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Look out for the limited edition RIFLE PAPER Co. collection at L’OCCITAINE, which captures scents, lights and textures of South of France to adorn the iconic Shea range  with exclusive designs. Leaves, nuts and Shea blossoms blend blissfully  in this colourful collaboration, if the cream inside weren’t so bloomin’ fabulous I’d almost suggest you keep the container as a memento or collector’s item.

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Speaking of the hand cream, L’OCCITAINE’s Classic hand cream has been called a “beauty must” and “lifesaving” by people around the world. Enriched with 20% organic Shea Butter, (which is 100% natural origin, certified organic and comes straight from the nuts of the Karite tree in Burkina Faso), the super-creamy balm penetrates quickly and helps to protect, nourish and moisturise hands. Its yummy formula blends honey, almond extract and coconut oil with the Shea Butter to leave hands soft and smooth but never greasy.

Available in store since 18 January


I’m shattered! Anyone else?

The month of January seemed to arrive in a gusty, impatient blast, just like Storm Eleanor which brought in the New Year for many. And now, after a very busy few weeks which included launching the twenty-fifth season of Belfast FASHIONWEEK (I still remember the first one like yesterday!) I am finally catching my breath and taking a moment for some much-needed time out.

Most nights when Valentina goes to bed, you won’t find me on the sofa binge watching Netflix series, but instead, sitting with my laptop catching up on my mountain of emails and working until the early hours of the morning just to stay on top of things. But at New Year I resolved to take a relaxing bath once a week to settle myself before a good night’s sleep

Thus far, the gorgeously luxurious YON-KA Paris has been helping me find my inner feng-shui…
In keeping with my New Year’s resolution I have been using the Phyto-Bain Bath Oil, a highly aromatic bath treatment with plant extracts and essential oils known for their multiple therapeutic virtues.  I added 1 tablespoon to my bath which was more than enough and was quickly enveloped in a relaxed bubble of tranquil bliss! Perfect for relieving tired legs and restoring full vitality, this would be great after a long, busy day or equally as good when you simply need a little down time.


If you really want to take your experience to the next level invest in the YON-KA Limited Edition Aromatic Candle which allows you to bring the spa home with three delicious scents – Cedar, Quintessence and Orange Blossom, you can also take one travelling with you to make a home away from home. 


Synonymous with luxury, YON-KA is the go to brand in many top salons and, once you try the products, it is easy to see why it is one of my faves.  The family-owned brand was established in 1954 and combines nature, science and wellness to create products that are simply irresistible. I have previously used (and reviewed their lotions and the hero-product which is the Micellar Cleansing Water. It removes all traces of makeup effortlessly without the need for any pressure scrubbing! (Perfect if you’re like me and don’t always have the time to spend on your skincare routine.) The anti-aging formula also has a lovely fresh scent and leaves skin super-soft and totally refreshed. If you suffer from oily skin, they also have Crème PG, a mattifying moisturiser which purifies the skin whilst eliminating shine – it also smells divine and makes a great base for your makeup!

But lemme get back to this bath…  I can almost feel my inner chakras balancing out…

Nightie night!



If you are anything like me, then you successfully danced, drank and ate your way through the first part of January like Christmas never ended and now find yourself paying for over-indulging with a tired, lacklustre complexion – which was most definitely not on my agenda for 2018, but what’s a gal to do?!

I think we can all agree that in general, the whole Christmas-New Year period wreaks havoc with our skin - between late nights, cold weather, alcohol and way too much sugar. (Leftover mince pie, anyone?) So, now that the festivities are very firmly behind us, it is time to wave goodbye to the excesses of 2017 and give our skin (and ourselves) the TLC we need. So it’s out with the old and in with the new; and the newest product to be added to my collection is the ABC Vitamin solution from the Time Bomb range which I have been trying this month.

As we age our skin starts to lose its ability to absorb key, health-sustaining vitamins, so in order to combat this problem, Time Bomb has created a serum which works while you sleep to deliver an infusion of vital nutrients full of concentrated age-delayers to keep your complexion smooth, tight and bright – just what my dehydrated skin is looking for.
It’s kinda like a grown up version of the tooth fairy, except this fairy doesn’t take our teeth -  and instead of money delivers us youthful, brighter skin while we sleep, so I definitely approve!

After cleansing and toning as normal before bed I applied this to my skin and instantly noticed how light it was, a little goes a long way so you don’t need much. In fact, one press of the pump is enough to cover your whole face. Admittedly, I am not a big fan of heavy serums, especially at night time as I feel it can leave my skin feeling sticky and heavy, so the consistency of this was perfect for me.

It was easily absorbed and instantly my skin felt super- smooth to touch. I then applied my night cream as advised and went straight to the land of nod. In the morning my skin felt tighter and after continued use I noticed a very welcomed glow had begun to reappear on my skin.

I have been using this for a few weeks now and I must say, so far, so good. The super-hydrating formula has replaced my dull, wintery complexion with a lovely bright glow and my skin is definitely smoother. I have tried many serums and for me, this compares well to more expensive products out there. Looking at the ingredients list scared me at first as it looked so chemical, but many of these are actually chemical names for the good stuff. It is packed with ingredients including; Vitamin A, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles; Vitamin B3 and B12 which boost cells and improve tone and circulation; Vitamin C to brighten skin; Bakuchioi which is a Japanese herb that mimics retinoid but is kinder to skin;  Squalane which renews skin suppleness; and finally, Hyaluronic Acid which is a natural moisture magnet to plump and firm skin texture – now that is what I call the perfect blend of skin goodness!  

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Christmas and New Year's Eve were cosy, but I’m all a little bit tired of dark colours and moody weather, so I’ve decided to take a look ahead to Spring and ditch those heavy charcoals and indigos for brighter, breezier shades. To brighten my interiors mood, I’ve looked to Essential Home’s inspiration boards, which have been developed based on Pantone’s key colour trends for 2018. From bright and vivid to earthy and soft, colours are exciting and happy, just like some of the Essential's Home fabrics and accessories, bien sûr! 

Unless you have been in a bubble, you cant help but notice that colour holds a steady spot at the top of the interiors inspo list. After all, it sets the tone for what furniture we buy, what decor we invest in, and the overall mood for that design year.



Green means go, but this colour will not go anywhere this year, it’s a personal fave of mine which was everywhere in 2017, and it will maintain a strong popularity for 2018. In the language of colour therapy, green it is associated with serenity, the perfect refuge from those who want to escape the city concrete and create the perfect spring garden inside their home.



Vibrant Yellow is what spring is all about, bright and cheerful like the sunny days ahead, with a warm undertone that keeps it from looking highlighter bright. This colour is perfect for upholstery pieces, like a chair or a sofa, thanks to its warm yet fresh appearance.



Blue always has an inner richness. Surf the Web Blue is a bolder and more confident colour that brings a breezy sophistication, like an heiress living in the Bahamas. This stunning shade can give a dramatic yet chic touch to rooms - from true blue to sky or even navy – blue is one of the most versatile decorating hues.



Tangerine Tango is an orange-red hue, perfect for brightening up darker spaces or adding a fiery pop of colour. I have a beautiful Italian lamp and at least 3 paintings in my living room in variants of this shade – and it does wonders to lift a grey wall or sofa. Whether you draw inspiration from autumnal leaves or rich Spring sunsets, orange is definitely an undeniably cosy and earthy reference for a chic mid-century decor.




Candy Pink: often regarded as precious and girly, this colour has a hard time proving itself as a serious contender when it comes to decorating the home, but fortunately times are changing, and this softer offspring colour brings peace and sincerity as well as a lily-fresh sentiment. The colour continues to have a strong presence in runways across fashion weeks, but this colour can evoke elegance, relaxation, and a lot of fun in mid-century home decor. Perfect for that harmony between masculine and feminine.

Essential Home is an innovative mid-century modern furniture brand that takes important historical and cinematographic references from the 1930s and 1960s and turns them into unique furnishing pieces. What started out as ‘Essentials’ in 2015, a furniture collection by the mid-century lighting brand DelightFull, quickly grew to be one of the most elegant representations of mid-century modern design, thus creating a new name, and a new brand, Essential Home.

Essential Home gathers inspiration not only from the glamorous Hollywood life of the 1940s, but also from the everyday life that defined that mid-century generation. Simple details such as the sleek lines of a futuristic 1960s chair, or retro ads that defined an era can be pinpointed in iconic pieces. Check them out here:




If you woke up this New Year’s Day (or indeed any Saturday or Sunday morning) thinking ‘NEVER AGAIN!’ or “Why did I have that last drink!?” as you struggled to cope with the first stage of your red wine/gin/Jeigermeister (or other alcoholic drink) hangover, then I am with you!


I rarely drink alcohol these days - but last night was New Year’s Eve, and, you know, friends, celebrations and good music all just, happened! You know you shouldn’t, but sometimes a gal just can’t help herself. And then some of us find ourselves in a full *fear-filled, ‘ground-swallow-me-up’ mode the morning after partying a little too heartily the night before. *Thankfully I have never experienced what my chums call ‘The Fear’; for me, a hangover is just about eating and drinking and sleeping my way back to normality – but with the added loss of a day’s productivity.

Anyway, I digress. It’s New Year’s Day, so whether you plan to spend it doing very little or entertaining family and friends, don’t let your hangover ruin your day. Trusted hangover cures are an essential coping mechanism on days like this - we all have our own go-to treatments that we swear by, but which remedies are the best when you have, um, accidently, had one too many and suddenly you find the room is spinning around you? In today’s blog, I have gathered together some of my fave hangover cures from friends, family and fables that will have you up and rearing to go in no time (well, we live in hope!).


Rule number one. Any regular readers will know I am a H20 fanatic normally, but when the drink goes in, the wit goes out and so many of us forget to drink up when we need it (water, that is…). A hangover is first and foremost a combination of symptoms of dehydration – as well as your body dealing with toxins – so rehydrating is key.

Personally, I always try and have a glass of water before going out or when I arrive at the restaurant or bar, because I rarely remember the trusted advice to drink a glass between each alcoholic drink. It’s easily said, but can be hard to remember as the night goes on. And it’s just so BORING compared to a jam jar cocktail or a shot at the bar, isn’t it?

But back to the remedies – they say you should have a large glass of water before going to bed as well as keeping water by your bedside for dehydration during the night (does anyone else wake at 3 or 4am with palpitations when they drink red wine? Ok, just me).


A final tip on the subject of water is to drink water that contains extra electrolyte minerals such as potassium, sodium and magnesium. Try coconut water or the River Rock Revive + Relax range is great for hangovers as it contains lots of these electrolytes.


There is a reason bananas are favoured by athletes and that is because they contain potassium, which also makes them a great hangover cure! When you’re at that pesky hungover stage it means your body has already lost a lot of potassium and it is important that it is replenished. If you can, try to eat a banana when you first wake up to provide some much needed relief, if you are feeling too queasy and simply can’t manage any solid foods yet then try a banana smoothie, or even better, if you can eat one as you stumble towards bed it will help kick start the recovery process even quicker. 


Our bodies use Vitamin C to produce energy, help our immune system function properly and also as an antioxidant to neutralise free radicals. When hungover try and eat lots of Vitamin C-rich fruits such as citrus fruits, strawberries, papayas, peppers and kiwis or alternatively, drink some orange juice made from fresh oranges to get rid of your hangover quicker.

You could also add some Vitamin C powder to your water before going out to start the healing process immediately; and if you are feeling a little on the rough side the next day - take a Vitamin C tablet every two to three hours to help your body replenish quicker.  One good friend swears by a glass of water with Dioralyte and a Berocca dissolved into it before bed. I’ve tried that and it does seem to work well it has to be said. 



Before you head out for a night on the tiles (or a night in, as the case may be) try and eat a meal that is rich in protein and healthy fats, as these are broken down more slowly than carbohydrates or sugars and stay in the stomach for longer. 
Protein rich foods that are great foods to eat are meat, fish, eggs, beans and lentils whilst olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats. One doctor I know suggested that if you know there will be lots of alcohol in the evening ahead, you should try to take some omega-3 oil before heading out as it helps coat the stomach and replenish levels of fatty acids that may be depleted later through too much alcohol consumption.


Honey – it is one of those tried and tested miracle foods that seems to have so many applications and, luckily for us, hangover help is one of them! The fructose in honey helps our bodies to metabolise the alcohol. If you’re in a bad way take two teaspoons every 20 minutes or until you feel better. Try to use organic honey, local if possible – and Manuka honey if you’re buying off the shelf in a supermarket.



The whole ‘sweat it out’ theory to cure a hangover is actually a myth, but what exercise does do is release endorphins which can boost your mood and burning off a few calories may ease your guilt about how much you drank! So if your mood is as bad as the hangover, why not put on those trainers and run your way to happiness? Just make sure to keep you water bottle handy so you don’t become even more dehydrated!


You drank too much, way too much and now your poor liver has the job of breaking down 95% of the alcohol you consumed so, go on, give it a hand and stock up on the foods that help promote liver function, before and the day after a heavy night of drinking.
Protein breaks down the amino acids that are used by the liver for detoxification so eating plenty of protein-rich foods such as eggs, broccoli, kale and cabbage will give your liver a well-welcomed hand!


Other liver-supporting foods include, artichoke, which can increase bile flow (to support elimination of toxins through the liver) and is thought to help protect the liver cells from damage, and also turmeric, lemon juice and salad greens such as watercress and rocket.  And lastly – add a few drops of Milk Thistle to your water before bed, or to the water you drink throughout the day of the ‘morning after’. 


It’s early, the kids are calling your name, over and over and over. You’re tired, your head is sore and the room is spinning. What do you do? You reach for the coffee, but believe me when we say “avoid at all costs!” This is because coffee is a diuretic which causes your body to lose water quickly - not what you need when you’re trying to rehydrate! Instead try to stick to the water or fruit juice - trust me, you’ll feel better in the long run, I promise. 


Getting a good night’s sleep while your body recovers means you can sleep through the worst of the hangover, so if you can, try and sleep for a little longer than usual and your hangover may just be a little more bearable!



Once you have gotten as much sleep as possible, take a cold shower. This will freshen you up. awaken your senses and leave you feeling some-what normal again. Boom! You’re back in the game.

Happy New Year everyone – and if you’re doing Dry January, enjoy the feeling of freshness you’ll have every single day!


From high -flying aviators to dodgy dealers at 1970s market stalls, the shearling coat has seen many fan clubs over  the years, mostly male. But this season sees female fans embrace it in a big way, with an array of colours and varying textures. This style is a sure fire hit for the coldest season of the year. Editor Cathy Martin looks at some of the most popular….



The colour of this fleecy number has got me all sheepish. And it’s available in TALL and PETITE also

Price: £79


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This one is channeling GOOSE in 1980s movie Top Gun and we love it for that.

Price: £89.99



I’m not overly sold on the colour and exterior pockets of this one, but the team here love it, so, it stays.

Price: £65



Simple, chic and not too bulky (if you don’t like the extra inches that a big shearling coat brings). Plus, the length is advantageous for cold kidney types, like me!

Price: £69.99

Urban Outfitters

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I’m not one for zip fastenings on wool or cotton coats, but this is so cosy and would be fab on a park walkabout. Four legged friend optional.

Price: £75

MM6 Maison Margeila

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I have a feeling this would drown me. But do I care? Not in the slightest!

Price: £1,830 


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This is definitely reminding me of old men in background of the Only Fools and Horses re-runs. But in a cool way.

Price: £79



Aaah black, the fashionista’s favourite. This beauty is super soft to touch and dreamy to wear.

Price: £895



A bit on the light side for me – both in colour and in silhouette. But pretty for just a taste of shearling.

Price: £49.99

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Much prefer this option from New Look – better shape, much more interesting take on the original flying jacket silhouettes.

Price: £49.99

Michael Kors

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The colour is a wee bit ‘meh’ for me, but I know plenty of peeps who adore these greeny-browns. I do love the fluffier fleece on the collar though.

Price: £295

Louis Vuitton


Well hello there super luxe! This coat is unpriced, which probably means I cannot (and will not) ever afford it. But, wow!

Stella McCartney

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This is beautiful and luxurious – the perfect coat for a country weekend with plenty of walks and stop offs and gourmet pubs.

Price: £1435

Saks Potts

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Now this baby is cute! I would most definkitely save my pennies and purchase this princess

Price: £980

Yves Salmon

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Super rich colour and texture – exactly how this kind of coat should look and feel. Boom! 

Price: £1890



Almost velvety in texture – and super feminine in colour. We love!

Price: £680



This baby has definitely got our engines running.

Price: £3305

Stella McCartney

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Not super keen on the hooded part of this jacket, but it looks super cosy none the less!

Price: £945

Saint Laurent


Love this. But what is with the REALLY long arms?

Is it me or is this coat made for Mr Tickle?




Totally boho and 1970s. This is one of my faves…



If you’re gonna wear white, you gotta do it right. And this kinda does it.

Thick and full of style – I love this jacket!


Victoria Beckham


VB doesn’t disappoint with this cropped number.  Is it weird that I would like to see her and David in matching versions?




I normally love Belstaff, but my school report comment back to this one is a bit ‘could’ve done better’. Sorry! Nice trims though.




This is a beauty, but its colour has been so widely copied on the high street that I am finding it hard to appreciate the price




Yes, yes, yes, yes! I’m having a total When Harry Met Sally moment here. And it’s not fake!


Isabel Marant


I think this would look super cool on one of those understated French gals.

Cold Brit or Irish lass? Not so much.



Is this a bit too Rodeo? For me, I’m sorry, but it is.


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Sandy Liang

Love this colour and the collar too.

Coveting one right now





This Kenzo coat is amazing – and perfect to clash with red for the ultimate AW17 look




Totally beaut coat – just like something out of In the Name of the Father movie.




This baby is right up there with the Coach number. One of my faves this season, but unfortunately sold out about 20 mins after release.




Love the red collar and cuff – definitely a hit this season.




This beauty from Whistles is something you could wear to herd sheep and get lost in the herd. We’re thinking, Donegal, New Year’s Eve, and a pint of Guinness. Slainte!


FUN | 5 Things Every Millennial Woman Wants to Find Underneath Her Christmas Tree

Modern but meaningful, personal but practical at the same time - and always totally cute. These are the bases you most definitely need to cover when shopping for a festive gift for a Millennial. Picking something out is a stressful business indeed, especially if you’re buying something for a for a cool gal who knows what she likes. To enchant your friend with an amazing gift, we’ve teamed up with writer Amy Goldsmith from to compile a list of items that will make her jump with glee, and have you deemed as the best gift-giver of the year.


An e-book reader

While nothing beats the charm of real books, it’s really difficult to stuff more than one in your suitcase when you’re travelling, and quite expensive to own every hardcover and paperback you want to. E-book readers like Kindle are the perfect gadget for the Millennial woman who loves to read, and wants to have all her favourite novels within her reach at all times.

The battery on e-book readers usually lasts for a very long time, and the screens are made so they look like ink on paper. They won’t hurt her eyes, and font style and size is usually adjustable so they’re great for anyone who is short-sighted. E-books are more eco-friendly and are usually cheaper as well, so you might be saving her some money in the long run, as well as giving her the option of finding any title that she wants to with ease.

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A FitBit bracelet

For your friend who loves staying in shape, or for the one who is always trying to find a way to get in shape, a FitBit can be a really useful gift. Since it tracks your activity whenever you move, it’s a really good motivator to get up and work out, or at least walk around. If you get one for yourself as well you could indulge in some healthy competition and reach your fitness goals even faster.

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A personalized coffee mug

Coffee is the lifeline of any working millennial, and getting her a personalized mug is a really delightful way to make her happy. A big travel mug with her name, favourite quote, motto, or even a funny picture will make her morning ritual even more enjoyable, and it shows that you really know her. There are loads on or on


A makeup palette

Hey, every gal needs an outlet for her creative side, and makeup is its own form of art. If your friend loves using it, a makeup palette is such a classically amazing gift that it’s difficult to go wrong. Tarte’s new Toasted palette is full of warm tones that will bring the glow to her face, or you might choose something that’s incredibly versatile, like Kat Von D’s Shade and Light palette, or anything from Colourpop if you’re on a budget. If makeup is not really her thing, worry not – a nice pampering skincare set is also an option, and you can make it even more personal by creating your own little spa basket full of bathing salts, scented oils, lotions, soaps, and face masks. Check out our FACE blogs for more inspo.


A cute item of clothing

Here’s a brilliant little trick: grab your friend and take her shopping. Say you’re just there to grab something small, but you might as well have some fun and try on cute clothes. Take note of the things your friend likes. Maybe she was really into cute skirts you can order online, or a pretty little wrap dress, or even some cool boots? Now you know exactly what she’s into and it will help make the best decision. It’s also a good opportunity to learn what her size is, and what kind of style she generally leans towards.

And lastly, when in doubt, a gift card to a nice store is always a good option. It’s not very personal, but if you don’t know someone all that well it’s a really great way to show them that you appreciate them, and to make sure they end up owning something they like. Now that you’ve got the tips, it’s time to do some holiday shopping!


Following on from the truly magnificent Little Red Riding Hood (2015) and the hilarious Gingerbread Mix-Up (2016), I was excited to hear that the Lyric theatre would be giving Beauty and the Beast - one of my favourite fairy tales - a fun twist this festive period.

The story, adapted for the Lyric by writers Derek O’Connor and Trevor J. Colgan, tells the tale of a once sweet-natured singer-songwriter who is played by Ross Hoey (The Commitments, We Will Rock You). Desperate to achieve the fame, fortune and stardom he had always wanted, Hoey makes a deal with the all-powerful, all-controlling music producer Shazza (played fantastically by Orla Gormley) who makes all his dreams come true, but at a high price. In true Frankenstein style, his voice suddenly becomes deep and distorted as he turns wretchedly into The Beast – the furry, beastly creation of powerhouse Shazza.

We soon meet the energetic Theo, played by Mark Dugdale, who is a seemingly zany, job-juggling single dad. Bouncing about the stage, his infectious cheery demeanour, quick-witted quips and songs about pizza soon have the younger audience members in raucous laughter. Fame-hungry but well-meaning, he encourages his fearless daughter Bella (Charlotte McCurry), to become the beast’s assistant and, becoming increasingly worried about her father’s workaholic behaviour, she reluctantly agrees.

As the two tussle, it becomes apparent that the brusque demeanour of The Beast has no effect on the intrepid Belle who is all too willing to stand up to him and his ludicrous demands. With The Beast suffering a year long dry spell of music creation and Bella struggling to rediscover her relinquished  passion for singing after the passing of her mum, to the sympathetic audience, it becomes apparent that these two misfits are simply trying to find their own place in the world. 


The back-and-forth witticisms that frequently take place between the two are perfectly timed and delivered and as Belle slowly uncovers the Beast’s softer side, the pair create some of the most memorable moments of the show, with their exhilarating exchanges and duets, including, “Maybe All I Need’s a Muse”, (a musical highlight for me).

The fashionista in me loved Shazza’s fabulously fancy costumes – we’re talking protuberant hips, futuristic headpieces and brightly coloured beads as Diane Ennis gives a very obvious nod to the 80s. I also loved The Beast’s costume – pretty wow with his stilts (and a nod goes to Hoey for walking around the stage in them throughout). I didn’t love Belle and Theo’s costumes so much – too tacky for me, but then, maybe that was the point of them!

But, back to the 80s inspo – this is the same decade where my friend and composer Katie Richardson also gets a lot of her musical inspiration from – think Grease, Beach Boys and George Michael. The power ballads that take place throughout the show successfully showcase the extraordinary talent of this small cast of 4. And by pairing this timeless tale with such an enchanting score, this exhilarating family production will have audiences of all ages enthralled. With electric guitars, drums and plenty of bass, director Paul Boyd certainly gives this classic tale some major rock and roll treatment!

Special mention has to go to Ciaran Bagnall who created the incredible revolving set (which is also the base of the set for the adult show currently running at the Lyric ‘What The Reindeer Saw’.

The well-written script gives the well-loved French fairy-tale a modern makeover and whilst little ones can enjoy the funny retorts and fervent acting, the more mature of us are left to explore the deeper messages hidden within the narrative tackling issues such as grief and our insatiable quest to ‘have it all’.

Music, mayhem and tonnes of hidden innuendos that fly hilariously over the heads of the innocent little ones, writers Derek O’Connor and Trevor J. Colgan have given this well-loved classic a hilariously thrilling rock and roll twist! Combined with a powerful soundtrack, talented cast and tale filled with humour this play really does have it all.

The star of the show? For me, it was Orla Gormley as Shazza. An excellent performance.



Regular readers of my beauty columns and blogs will know how much I preach good skincare from within as a first step – drinking plenty of water and eating a heavily plant-based diet come first and foremost for me; but we’re all human and we can all fall off the healthy wagon even with the best intentions. In fact, the month of November has pretty much been a constant water catch-up with a diet of the richest, heaviest food so far for me, so any help I can get is appreciated.


With this ‘help’ in mind I took a trip to Radiance Day Spa on the Upper Lisburn Road. The salon, which is owned by Beauty Power House Christine Mackin, recently re-launched with a fresh interior design and a brand new skincare range designed by Christine in conjunction with some of the best cosmetic chemists and biologists around.  The range, also called Radiance, is a targeted, results-driven capsule collection of products which uses clinically proven, highly-active ingredients to target different skin concerns and I was relishing my treatment a fortnight before I got it. 

My appointment began with a consultation where I was talked through the process and I voiced any concerns I had skin-wise. My facial goals are always the same – keep the hydration high and the lacklustre look low. But this time I also asked for a bit of extraction on the clogged pores on my nose. More on that later…

Using a machine, my skin was then scanned using black UV light  before my lovely therapist produced some (slightly scary) images of my face showing areas of dehydration, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation and sun damage. To my delight, I am not as wrinkly as I had feared (yay) and my skin is generally in quite good condition (double yay). Using this analysis she then picked some products that were targeted specifically to my own skin’s needs.

I then snuggled under a blanket and once I was comfortable (I was so comfortable throughout the treatment I almost feel asleep…twice!) we began the treatment, using  the Radiance cleanse product - a soothing, natural daily cleanser which removes any traces of make up. This luxurious gloop of goodness removes toxins from the skin and prepares the skin for treatment. I then had a glycolic wash to gently exfoliate the skin and remove any dead skin cells, encouraging cell replenishment (aka new, fresh skin). Even though I am lucky to have been blessed with my mother’s good skin genes, the wear and tear of daily living is unavoidable so anything that promises anti-ageing has my attention!

After the blackheads and clogged pores on the end of my nose were cleared with a good old squeeze to extract dirt and sebaceous build-up (ouch – but totally worth it – I could not believe the difference) it was time for the massage – my favourite part of the facial!

Any parent with young children will agree that just having 10 mins to lie back and relax is amazing, and probably one of the greatest luxuries to (wo)man – albeit a very rare one! (For me, any chance to even sit down usually involves going through 200+ emails or sorting out paper work, so this was total bliss!) Some facialists also say that the movements of the hands in massaging motion are as important as the products used in the treatment, and I can honestly say I am a believer of this when you have the right facialist working on you.

After the massage, I had not one but two serums applied onto my skin to stimulate collagen, soften lines and improve elasticity while increasing hydration and boosting radiance. First up, Professional Strength Vitamin C Serum was rubbed onto my skin; this is packed with antioxidants and protects DNA. Next, a Hyaluronic Acid serum was massaged in. This can hold up to 1000 x its weight in water and works by attracting moisture from the atmosphere and binding it into the skin for a hydrating and anti-ageing effect. Genius, eh?

After the facial my face looked radiant and I upgraded to have a full body massage with the most fantastic masseuse Siubhan – 2 hours later I left the salon feeling very relaxed and happy and was able to meet clients with a glowing and fresh face that afternoon.

That night at home I was sitting on the sofa beside Mr Cathy and, after staring at me for a few moments (he’s not weird, we just like each other!), he finally asked “What happened to your face?”  And, before he finished,  I immediately began worrying that I had taken some sort of reaction to an active facial product (it has happened before and believe me when I say it ain’t pretty), so of course I had a mildly panicked look on my face and started touching my cheeks and forehead to feel for any heat or redness, but he finally finished his sentence smiling and said “you’re glowing”. So I quickly made a mental note to book another appointment at Radiance – and maybe even book in for a double session with yer man in tow.


So just over two months ago I ventured to Cinch Clinic in Holywood to try out their new Cryolipolysis treatment on my inner thighs and, in short, I’m happy to say the results are super positive. So if you need to shift a few pesky pounds before Christmas, and are prepared to drink 2-3L of water per day for as long as possible afterwards to help flush out dead fat cells, then read on for more details.

legs 6 weeks later.JPG


Most females (and some males) that I know have complained to me about the lumps and bumps they dislike on their bodies. And sometimes, no matter how much exercise you do, you can be left with stubborn pockets of fat on tummies, legs, hips or bums. For me, I seem to have developed extra flesh on my upper and inner thighs in recent years, which I blame entirely on long working hours in front of a computer screen and not being up and about. Sitting is the new smoking, or so they say)… But  despite three sessions of body pump a week, this fat wasn’t shifting, so I thought I would try to eliminate the fat cells through cryolipolysis. Death by fat-freezing, so to speak.

Cryolipolysis is defined by Wikipedia as a medical treatment used to destroy fat cells by freezing. The functional principle is the controlled application of cooling, within the temperature range of approximately −5 °C, for the non-invasive, localised reduction of fat deposits, in order to reshape the contours of the body. The degree of exposure to cooling causes the apoptosis (cell death) of subcutaneous fat tissue, without apparent damage to the overlying skin.

As a medical procedure, cryolipolysis is a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. The word cryolipolysis (freezing of fat) is a portmanteau word derived from the conflation of cryogenic and lipolysis.

Some readers may already be familiar with the Cinch name via the company’s range of corsets, which have become super popular since they were created around 2 years ago by founders Angela Hunter and Nicola McIlhagger. But whilst I havent tried the corsets, I was keen to sample the fat freezing. 

In advance of the treatment I did some research and learnt that the fat would be freezing for up to 40 minutes and that I could read or answer emails on my phone while the machine worked its magic, but there was a further option to have a Radiofrequency facial while the cryo machine was freezing away, so as the queen of triple tasking, I decided to do just this and try out the clinic’s facial at the same time.

The products used in the facials are from TROPIC Skincare, which were created by a former Apprentice contestant and are now being sold across the UK. I absolutely adore products which are 100% natural and made from fruit, vegetable and plant extracts, so this was a bonus.

Back to the fat freezing though, and when I arrived I was greeted by Kim who immediately put me at ease while she measured up my thigh circumference before the treatment took place. She showed me the machine and explained clearly the science behind what would happen and that I might find the suction bit a little uncomfortable at first, but that I would get used to it (I did).

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To try to explain to you what happens in a simple way, let’s just imagine that you have a rectangular bowl which you place on the surface of the skin over the area to be treated. This bowl has a depth of about 3-4 inches, into which the fatty flesh will then be sucked by the powerful suction mechanism of the machine. The machine also controls temperature of the fat/flesh which is sucked into the vessel and it quite quickly reduces it down to approx -5C . There is a veiled layer of film applied first, to prevent any topical burning from the freezing, and this in itself is pretty chilly (but not uncomfortable) when applied. Once the machine has the flesh in place on both legs (or cheeks, tummy, man boobs or wherever you are having treated), then it’s time to lie back and read or, as I did, have that facial. Radiofrequency facials are claimed to be favoured by Kylie Minogue over Botox - and it is no wonder, my skin truly glowed afterwards, plus the relaxing massage and mask elements of the facial had me falling asleep, despite my inner thighs being frozen beyond freezing point!


Once the treatment is complete, and the suction pods removed, the skin is slightly swollen for a (very) short time. (See pictures). Some people can get a slight bruising effect, but I had none of that.

It’s important to note that with cryolipolisis, the results  are not immediate and some patience (and good practice) are required to optimise results. Firstly, clients are advised to drink loads of water to help flush out the fat cells. A healthy, vegetable-filled diet is also recommended - and unfortunately I was going straight into the month of fashion week, where cooking and prepping food falls down my agenda and I reach for fast and easy options - often unhealthy ones. But on the whole I ate well and drank almost my 2L per day.

In Cryolipolysis,  body fat is reduced without damaging other tissues. The fat cells enter the liver through the lymphatic system, and are decomposed and leave the body via the urinary tract (so darker urine is a side effect for a few weeks unless you’re drinking loads of water to help flush everything out). It was after about 6-8 weeks - i.e. just a week or so ago - when I noticed the difference. And that is when I went back in to have the Cavitation element to the treatment.

Cavitation is a type of ultrasound treatment that has proven to be one of the most effective treatments in reducing cellulite and local fat loss to date. Low-frequency ultrasounds reduce fat depleting fat cells under the skin. A single session can remove up to 1 to 1.5 cm in body contour and six to twelve sessions in localised areas may remove up to 12 cm.

Combining Cryolipolysis and Cavitation like I did allows for more effective fat-fighting as well as skin firming and body sculpting. The combo comprises the most powerful and comprehensive technology available today for the treatment of cellulite, skin laxity and localised fat available today, although it is important to remember it that can take up to a few weeks to see the results, but I certainly feel Christmas party ready now!

At Cinch, the team specialises in the latest cutting-edge, non-invasive fat loss treatments; Cryolipolysis, Cavitation and Radiofrequency, and the treatments have already proven to be a hit with men and women from across Northern Ireland. I found the treatments to be absolutely brilliant for stubborn pockets of fat in any area of the body; and I saw before and afters of love handles, stomach, back fat, ‘moobs’, bum, arms and thighs. The team can treat up to four body areas at any one time, with no downtime. Prices on request.

To view all treatments and products, visit