Born at Burberry for soldiers in the damp and dirty trenches of WWI, the traditional #trenchcoat has made a major comeback for AW17. From Celine to Max Mara , this stylish classic is enjoying a renaissance, and offers a convenient way to tackle the transitional period from the warm summer days to cooler Autumn evenings – and there are both modern and traditional variations now available on the high street too.

Check out my faves to suit every budget and style here:

& Other Stories

£165 online at & Other Stories

£165 online at & Other Stories

Marks & Spencer

£99 at Marks & Spencer

£99 at Marks & Spencer


£119 online at Zara

£119 online at Zara

£69.99 online at Zara

£69.99 online at Zara


£160 from Topshop

£160 from Topshop


£49.99 from Mango

£49.99 from Mango


£1,495 from Burberry

£1,495 from Burberry

Michael Kors

£350 online at Michael Kors

£350 online at Michael Kors


$1,033 at Matches

$1,033 at Matches

Stella McCartney

£1,795 at Net-A-Porter

£1,795 at Net-A-Porter


£252.30 at Shop Bop

£252.30 at Shop Bop

Max Mara

£545 at Max Mara or call into Max Mara on the Lisburn Road, Belfast

£545 at Max Mara or call into Max Mara on the Lisburn Road, Belfast

Just Cavalli

£834.99 available at Zalando

£834.99 available at Zalando


Winter is officially here. The temperature has dropped, the sun rises later and sets earlier, the leaves are crisp and cosy knits are everywhere (yay!), as is the sound of… coughing and sniffing.

The common cold is accepted as being ubiquitous with Winter, but it doesn’t have to be; and good old H2O can help with that. Did you know that drinking hot water and lemon (plus honey/ginger/turmeric, if you’re me) during the colder months can actually help with your body’s natural immune-boosting properties, keeping you healthy when Winter colds and flus are around?

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I recently mentioned drinking water as being key to keeping healthy in an Irish News interview and it spurred scores of messages from readers. Water is our body’s first fuel; it helps with toxic elimination, regulates our temperature and blood flow and it maintains our metabolism, among myriad other things, so as a massive water advocate, I thought I would pen some super valid reasons for gulping your daily H2O.

Here are just 12 reasons to drink more water today – and EVERY day:

1.     IT GIVES GREAT SKIN!  I’ve been writing beauty articles and reviews for almost 10 years now and always champion water before (or alongside) beauty products for the best skin.  Water makes up a massive 60% of our bodies, so when our skin (which is of course the body’s largest organ) is hydrated, it looks plumper and lustrous as opposed to dull, flaky or sallow skin which is dehydrated. Drinking more water helps productivity of our cells which in turn gives us healthier looking skin – it’s a win-win situation!

2.     IT BOOSTS BRAIN POWER. Drinking water can give you a productivity boost. Research found that water has the ability to increase grey matter in the brain and therefore drinking enough water can make you 14% more productive. So fill up that water bottle and drink up – you’ll be thrilled when you can finally submit that work ahead of deadline…

3.     IT’S ANTI INFLAMATORY Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame which results in clogged pores. Water flushes out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples, leaving your skin crystal clear.

4.     IT HELPS WITH TIREDNESS Feeling tired? Although we all tend to reach for endless cups of coffee and sugar when we feel that 3pm slump, water can actually fight those tired eyes too! One of the most common signs of dehydration is tiredness, so push that coffee away and down a glass or two of water for an instant wake up call.

5.     IT DECREASES ‘HUNGER’ You know that feeling when it’s not long after a meal but you feel hungry? Chances are you’re just thirsty, so by drinking more water you will stop mistaking thirst for hunger. Also, drinking water boosts your metabolism so you can drop kilos faster if you’re watching your weight.


6.     IT TAKES TOXINS TO TASK Our kidneys process 200 litres of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder where toxins and waste are expelled in our pee; but these hardworking kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. And speaking of peeing, a simple way to check out your hydration levels is to look into the loo when you’re done. Remembering that there is already water in the toilet bowl (and so the colour is diluted when you look at it), your urine should be lightly coloured to be healthy. Anything denser in colour than a pastel yellow, gold or even green (if you’re me and eat loads of greens) means you are not drinking enough water – so let’s drink to that!

7.     IT AIDS DIGESTION Stomach not feeling right? Drinking water helps improve digestion. Regardless of how many leafy greens you eat or probiotics you take, if you aren’t hydrating, your digestive system just won’t function properly. You should always drink water during and after a meal to help the body break down your food. When you drink more water, uou’ll notice your stools are softer too (sorry if that is TMI!) And double apologies to those sensitive to oversharing, but the state of your stools can be a key indicator of hydration levels. Healthy, hydrated poops should most definitely be soft and not difficult to pass, so before reaching for the dates if you’re constipated, try drinking a litre of water first. A good fitness friend Kim Constable (@thesculptedvegan on Instagram) says your number twos should be the length of your forearm. Yip, from wrist to elbow people. I think I’ll stop there though.

8.     HYDRATION IMPROVES SLEEP Struggling to sleep? Drinking water throughout the day helps balance minerals, vitamins and nutrients, balancing your hormones in the process. Keep water on your bedside table and drink up before bed and again if you wake up in the middle of the night, you’ll be thankful when you wake up rested, refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Make sure to empty your bladder before sleeping also (and sit an extra minute on the loo to make sure you properly relax and expel everything before you go to bed).

9.     IT RELEIVES CRAMPS AND ACHES Crampy, achy or sore? Hydrate! Research suggests that there is a correlation between joint pain and dehydration as water lubricates the joints. If you find yourself achy and sore no matter how much you stretch you may just not be drinking enough water, so make sure you hydrate before, during and after your workout. Also when we work out we sweat and when muscles don’t have enough water they get tired, so drink plenty of water to give you more energy to push out that final set of squats! And if you feel a headache coming on, the first thing you should do is hydrate as a headache is often a sign of dehydration. Personally, I get crazy foot cramps if I am not hydrated enough – and they last for up to 15mins at a time. The ONLY thing that relieves them is drinking as much water as possible, often 750ml if I can down it through the pain!

10.  IT MAKES YOU GET UP FROM YOUR SEAT. Move it! Sitting is the new smoking, or so say the experts, and our sedentary lifestyle is killing us. Literally. Our bodies need to keep moving, so if you tend to sit at a desk for the most part of the day drinking water can make you get up as you will need to nip to the toilet more often. Taking short walks throughout the day is also great for your mental health, so why not grab your trainers and head out for a walk on your lunch hour? The gentle exercise and fresh air will give you a refreshing boost and help tackle the afternoon ahead.

11.  ITS IN THE TASTIEST OF FOODS: Eat up! I have actually heard people saying they don’t like the ‘taste’ of water. What?! For those people, a quick retraining of the taste buds through increased consumption of water will actually encourage better taste all round.  But meanwhile, we can consume water easily by eating a combination of water-packed foods such as watermelon and cucumbers. This way you are getting the nutrients and fibre as well as hydration to help your body hold onto water more efficiently.

12.  HANGOVERS GO QUICKER WITH WATER.  Hangover 101…  Don’t reach for coffee or fizzy drinks to help a hangover – they only dehydrate you more! Help a hangover out by drinking water to hydrate the body and get rid of that pounding headache… Plus, water will decrease the desire to eat all those salty, fatty foods we crave when we’re hungover – (see point number 5 above!). My tip? Think how many alcoholic drinks you had and drink at least that in water for the first few hours that you’re up.

A side note.

Advocates of Chinese Medicine, such as my friend Maria Rafferty (@thehormonehealthcoach on Instagram) are big believers in keeping the body and its fuel warm, and therefore promote drinking warm or room temperature water as opposed to cold. I love this theory and am super glad that I never, ever take ice in my water (or even in my G&T when I am having one).  I try to drink warm water with lemon and honey (which also has great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties) in the morning and again before bed – it is a wonderful habit to get into and I can safely say I rarely get sick these days, probably - at least in part - due to this habit.

The bottom line?

Two litres of water per day is the recommended daily amount, and there are plenty of apps around to help measure where you’re at with your targets, if you don’t want to keep track. (A cool 2L glass bottle on your desk also works wonders – just make sure you empty it every day. I love the very cool Memobottle, which costs £29.99 for a 750ml bottle and is available to buy here:

The key is to spread the consumption of water throughout the day and not down it all in one go. (I am guilty of realising that I am behind on my daily intake in the evening, then drink a litre at 9 or 10pm and am up in the night to pee!).

If you can make one positive change for your skin and your internal bodily health, then upping your water intake is it.

Bottoms Up!



Now that it is November (eeeeek! Where has 2017 gone?!) and Halloween is behind us, I can finally fully embrace my favourite holiday…Christmas. I love Christmas and I always get excited as we get closer to the big day itself. This time of year is made even more special when you have kids, seeing their little faces light up when visiting Santa’s Grotto and the buzz and mess when decorating the house.

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Advent calendars are such a fun part of the lead up to Christmas, but I find it seriously boring to just buy the same old cardboard calendar each year (although there’s nothing wrong with a standard Cadbury’s one to be fair). I love that there are now so many creative and fun alternatives out there and the team at Bubblegum Balloons has stepped up to the mark with this amazing reindeer balloon calendar.

Pop a balloon a day to for a chocolate just like a regular advent calendar - but with more bang. Plus, it also doubles as a Christmas decoration. [I do love it when a product can multitask!] What’s not to love?

The calendar itself is easy to assemble and it will make the perfect gift both for your little one or yourself, if you’re a Christmas freak or a child at heart like me!

Mix up the way you count down the days and buy your own here for £24:


Last month I was interviewed by the Irish News about my health & got so many messages about my answers, so I thought I’d share the fuller version of the interview here... 

1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

I wake at 7 and quickly check my email inbox from bed. Not much comes in very first thing as I don’t sleep (and often don’t stop working) until about 1am, but I check the day ahead, delete any spam and then check notifications from other apps for a max of 10 minutes before getting up and preparing Valentina’s lunchbox and breakfast, and making myself a smoothie. I don’t like to leave the house untidy so generally I will make beds and do the breakfast dishes before I leave for the school run and gym. I prep my clothes and bag for the day (I constantly feel like I cart my life around in the car) and I generally shower at the gym so keep ablutions to a minimum at home in the morning! I’m sure I look like a great unwashed mess at the school gate but I do improve as the morning progresses! 

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...


My breakfast depends on my hunger levels and how I am feeling when I wake up. Some days I eat very little in the morning - maybe a banana and some peanut or almond butter, some days an omelette with spinach, some days scrambled eggs and a slice of smoked salmon. Most days though, I try to make a smoothie from spinach or kale with avocado as the base and then I add kiwi, grapes or apples for some sweetness. I’ll usually throw in a spoon of raw apple cider vinegar, a spoon of manuka honey and a spoon of almond/cashew or peanut butter and some water. It’s an amazing way to start the day and I carry it into work and sip til lunchtime, but even then I’ll rinse out the nutribullet container with cold water and drink the green water too to get my H20 levels up from the get-go. Water is so important and I don’t always make my 2L every day, unless I think about it properly.

I usually eat a salad or a soup for lunch. My office is next door to The Yard in Holywood which does the freshest, tastiest soups and salads - and I am a big fan. Otherwise I love the M&S salad ranges and sometimes buy in bulk at the weekend to see me through the week.  I spent a good part of the summer in London and I got really used to Pret-a-Manger salads and ITSU sashimi and salads. I would absolutely LOVE ITSU to come to Belfast. It’s not convenient for me but I do love the food in Raw Food Rebellion and Slim’s on the Lisburn Road as well as Goodness Rocks on the Saintfield Road. I wish we had even one of those three in Holywood!

I’m very regular with my choc-o-clock fix of a bar of chocolate pretty much every day at 3pm. It is incredible how much I rely on it/look forward to it. I eat Green & Black’s butterscotch or Lindt - and I kid myself that if it’s ‘good’ chocolate, it’s better for me. (Shame about the size of the bars I eat though!) 

Evening meal?

At home we usually eat a fresh seabass (pan fried in butter) with greens (butter steamed and usually laced with flaked almonds, pine nuts, chopped hazelnuts or something else nutty from the pan), although I’ve been known to skip the fish and just eat a wok full of kale or spinach with some roasted flaked almonds on top. My daughter loves fresh pasta with freshly made tomato sauce (she is at that lovely age where she is amazed that tomatoes make tomato sauce and likes to help make her own in the blender after we’ve softened them in the pan and added some mascarpone, mozzarella or parmesan). Just this summer we started introducing basil from the plant on the windowsill too. And if she is in an anti-vegetable mood, I slip some spinach, broccoli or carrots into the blender with the tomatoes to build up her vegetable intake.


3. Is nutrition important to you?

Yes it really is, although I am a gourmand as much as I am healthy, but it is nice to have the balance. So at home and in work I will eat healthily most of the week - my soups, salads and fish/veg combo with very few carbs if I can help it, but if I go out for dinner I will have a starter and the Chateaubriand and a pudding or a cheese board - or both! (I am a huge fan of a cheese board and a wee glass of port). Life is for living and enjoying and it would be such a shame to constantly deny yourself life’s pleasures! Mind you after about 3 years of removing most  bread/pasta from my diet, I can honestly say I feel (and look) much better for it. That’s not to say I wont eat a baguette or pain au chocolat on a trip to France, or wolf down spaghetti alle vongole in Italy - but on the whole, I would say I am 80% carb free and 80% vegetarian which it works for me. I have also come to learn that hormones play a massive part in cravings and our emotional relationship with food, as well as how our bodies process what we intake. Through the amazing teachings of The Hormone Health Coach (Belfast based Maria Rafferty), I’m trying to harness basic things like my monthly cycle to get the best from my food and my body.

4. Best meal ever?

My partner Paul and I ate in Restaurant Alain Ducasse in Paris last year and it was pretty awesome, but I have had some really cracking meals in friends’ homes too. As long as the food is fresh and wholesome - and tasty - and the company, convivial and jovial, then I am happy. I am a massive advocate of dinner parties and sharing meals with friends because I think food made with passion and served with love among friends or family is the best kind of food.  

5.Guilty pleasure (food-wise, that is)

Tayto cheese & onion crisps! They’re the business! And cheese boards. And that pesky bar of Green & Black’s organic butterscotch chocolate, which I eat pretty much every day at around 3pm.

6. Have you ever been on a diet? If so, how did it go?

Not really, but like I said I changed my diet and lifestyle overall about 4 years ago to cut out most white carbs and I rarely eat any processed food at home - although I learnt that a long time ago from my mother, who ate pretty much organically all her life. It has been great for my skin, hair and overall health, although I am not saying everyone should give up wheat, it just doesn’t process well with me. 


7. Do you take health supplements?

Yes, I take a few every day. Digestive enzymes for my gut, Milk Thistle for my liver, and Chromium for blood sugar levels (it really helps curb the 3pm chocolate craving when I take it). I know I should also be taking Magnesium and Zinc at my age, but I just haven’t got around to it!

8. How do you relax?

There’s nothing nicer than lying in the shade on a warm, sunny day reading a book and losing yourself in your own imagination and someone else’s words. In the absence of that, I like to travel and visit new places, experience new cultures and see nature first hand.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

Looking back, I drank a lot in my twenties and thirties, as did most of my generation, but have pared back over the last six-seven years and I went pretty much teetotal for a few of  those.  I actually enjoyed being teetotal,  but now I drink the odd glass of really good wine with dinner if we’re eating out and maybe a nice Shortcross and Fever Tree tonic or two on a night out. I do love a nice Port with my cheeseboards too; in fact when great wines are paired course by course with food, it is a wonderful combination, you cannot fail to appreciate the quality in some products.  

10. Stairs or lift?

Stairs, unless I have Valentina or heavy bags with me. And if I’m in heels, I’ll always take the easy option. 

11. Do you have a daily exercise regime?

I do Body Pump 3-4 times per week at my gym, Virgin Active in Holywood. It’s a licensed one hour class to music in which you lift weights (something I had never in my life done before this year) and in doing so, you work every single part of your body. I feel very ‘pumped’ after each class and on the whole I feel a lot stronger. My body shape has changed too (hello waistline and toned arms!)   To balance this out I also do yoga when I can and do Kim Constable’s monthly yoga detox classes - highly recommended! 


12. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Move! They say sitting is the new smoking - and I am guilty of sitting a lot, I’m at my computer about 10 hours a day at least.

13. On a scale of one to 10, how fit do you think you are and how fit would you like to be?

I think I’m about a 7 and I would love to be at 9 - able to run marathons again or do city-to-city cycle challenges. I previously ran both the Rio and New York marathons, among other challenges.

14. Have you tried, or would you try, alternative therapy?

I love alternative and complementary therapy. I remember having a mosaic verruca for 2 years and no amount of burning off at the doctor’s would work and then I visited a homeopath who gave me a course of Thuja which cleared it up in 2 weeks. Another time I went to see Maria Rafferty about eczema who used acupuncture on me and it worked a treat. I do yoga with Kim Constable and have had Reiki, hypnotherapy, reflexology, aromatherapy and many other therapies. I think we all need to be open to ancient and alternative or complementary medicines as well as our mostly science-based Western medicine.

15. Were school sports happy times or do you have a memory you would rather forget?

Happy times, I don’t remember getting any first places, but I did love the whole atmosphere of sports day and being outdoors. I think I may have had my first kiss on the grassy banks of the Mary Peter’s track while watching school sports day!

16. Did you ever have a health epiphany which made you change your lifestyle?

I had a stillbirth in 2011 and the infection which led to my baby dying had entered my bloodstream and was potentially fatal to me, I was told at the time. I had no idea and just felt a bit fluish. Bodies are amazing things, but I have both consciously and sub-consciously taken much better care of mine and appreciated it a whole lot more since then.


17. Best health/lifestyle advice you were ever given and would pass on to others?

Drinking plenty of water is the best advice I would pass on. I write a beauty column and blog and so many women ask me how best to moisturise their skin and I always reply by first asking how much water  they drink in a day - it really is the best moisturiser ever, as well as being a lubricant for our digestive systems and pretty much everything else inside. The other advice I like is the old one ‘abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym’ - and it’s so true that what we put into our mouths is more important than how often we work out, although working out is amazing and I would advocate doing that every day too. But you can’t work out and then eat unhealthily and expect results. Lastly, for mental health, I believe it’s really important to ‘feel the feelings’ and work through issues - personal ones and those with others.

18. Who inspires you or who would you try to emulate in terms of fitness / attitude to life?

I love Kim Constable and Tiffany Brien, both local girls who are about being strong, real and healthy at the same time. And I hope this doesn’t sound arrogant, but I am quite content in my own skin too and I think I have just about got the balance right where I want it to be in terms of fitness, health, positivity and living a full, happy life.

19. What time do you normally get to bed and do you get enough sleep?

I’m not a massive sleeper, five or six hours is about all I ever get, and I know that is not enough. I am wondering how (or if) it will eventually catch up with me, as I am sure the sleep deficit will manifest itself elsewhere in my health at some point. I use Glenn Harrold’s ‘Deep Sleep’ which is on his App on my iPhone and it really does give me a fantastic quality sleep even if I only have 5 hours.

20. Would you say you have a healthy attitude towards your own mortality?

I have so much faith in human beings (sometimes I trust too much!) and it’s harsh, but I no longer give time to negative or toxic people and people who are full of drama because, while I can, I want my life experience to be wholesome and as positive as can be. 

I have lost both parents - my dad 16 years ago and my mother just last year - as well as a child (through stillbirth 6 years ago), so death and the physical pain of grief is always a bit raw if the right triggers are pushed. It can be so debilitating, but I chose to harness the grief and live my life to the full while I am lucky enough to enjoy the gift of being alive on this wonderful planet.


 This article first appeared here:

Have a magical journey with Kikkerland’s Unicorn Zip & Flip Pillow

As I pack for half term holidays with Valentina, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of some magic at one of my fave kitsch stores, Kikkerland. Their latest product, a travel pillow which folds away to a unicorn cuddly, is an awesome answer to nervous travellers who need to add a sprinkling of magic dust to a trip away.

This handsome, huggable travel companion is so irresistibly squidgy, he makes the perfect placatory piece for perfect for nervous flyers. The grab-and-go, lightweight unicorn plushie *magically* transforms into unashamedly camp rainbow neck-pillow, when called into action.  

Unicorn Zip and Flip Pillow.jpg

Suitable for both kids and fun-loving adults, the Unicorn Zip & Flip Pillow makes every journey a magical one. Trains, planes or automobiles, you’ll be forever graced a sublime slumber with the pillow, allowing you to arrive at your destination as fresh as a daisy; which is surely as good as any pot of gold.
Price: £40

Herald Heritage! Leighton Denny Expert Nails Review

Despite 12+ hours a day typing and countless others at home doing mummy duties and household chores most days, I really do try to keep my nails well-manicured, because often they are the first thing people see after your face and a great manicure can seamlessly pull your look together.

Personally, I am big fan of a gel manicure and try and squeeze in a nail appointment whenever timing allows - however, every couple of months or so I like to give my natural nails some TLC to keep them strong and healthy and so I find myself constantly on the lookout for something that has the same benefits as a gel polish but is kinder to my nails - a polish that is highly pigmented, glossy, chip resistant and lasts longer than a couple of days – not a big ask then, eh?

Like most little girls, my 5 year old daughter loves rummaging in mummy’s beauty cupboard and so after realising that most of mine had relocated to her dressing up box, I decided it was time to stock up on my nail polishes! 

Renowned for its glamorous, high-performance results, Leighton Denny Expert Nails got my attention as soon as I heard they were formulated without the 5 nasties found in most nail polishes (Tosylamide, Camphor, DBP, Toluene and Formaldehyde), therefore making them much kinder to our nails. When a gorgeous parcel arrived in the office one morning with the brand new Heritage range, I was more than ready to see if my beauty wish had finally been answered…

The heritage range (£12 each) comes in 5 rich shades to suit any occasion and the fun names are the perfect nod to our own heritage and customs. First up was the ‘Country Club’, a warm navy blue.

If you follow me on social media you will know that I am a big fan of navy so I was immediately drawn to it. I followed the instructions to “roll (not shake)” the polish between my hands before applying two thin coats to the nail, waiting one minute between each application. However, after one coat the colour was completely opaque, leaving my nail with a gorgeous, glossy finish. There was no need to apply a second layer as I was able to achieve a rich bold colour after just one coat – the formula is literally that good!


Impressed, I opened the next bottle, ‘Pretty in Plaid’ which is a rich cranberry colour speckled with subtle gold shimmer. This is the type of nail polish that reminds me of the festive season - immediately happy thoughts spring to mind as I look forward to mulled wine by an open fire, cosy catch ups with friends and family and glamorous Christmas parties – this will definitely be a go-to colour throughout the season ahead…


I tend to opt for nude shades for daily wear and ‘Rural Sunshine’ is definitely a shade I can rely on. I did apply two coats for this shade as the first application was more of a soft sheer pink; however, once I applied the second shade the colour had a rich opaque finish. If you prefer a soft nude shade, then this one is definitely for you, I have since worn it as an everyday colour and every time I wear it I am complimented on the lovely colour.


The remaining two polishes were, ‘Take Your Wellies’, a fashionable dark brown that reminds me of crisp autumn weather, soft cashmere sweaters and long walks (wearing wellies of course!) and ‘Winter Garden’. This is a bold raspberry pink which I simply adore - I know that this vibrant shade will be well used throughout the season! Again after only one coat my nails were wrapped up in rich colour with a gorgeous glossy finish. 

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Once I had tested all of the colours I removed any remaining nail polish (the colour came off easily using normal nail polish remover and cotton wool) before reapplying ‘Winter Garden’ to see if the colour could keep up with my routine - between carrying bags for school, ballet, swimming (and that’s just V!), using gym equipment (the perfect excuse for nail polish to chip) and working on a keyboard all day – it definitely tests any nail lacquer!


However, I was pleasantly surprised when my nail colour stayed put all weekend and, even more impressively, the glossy finish didn’t wear off. Unsurprisingly, there were a couple of chips after a few days, but I simply covered this with nail polish and the problem was solved, so it didn’t bother me at all.

Dare I say that I think I have finally found a brand which answers all my beauty questions. And with five striking, rich shades that are sure to complement every occasion this season I know I will be wrapping my nails in the bold colour throughout the months ahead when my nails need a little bit of TLC. 

To get yours visit;

Love Cathy xo


As I age, I have become much more aware and better educated about what goes into (and onto) my body and skin. And despite technological advances in skincare, sometimes it is the most simple and natural products which have me most excited. 

I really love local companies and brands emerging too, so I was delighted when Howes Organic and Vegan (created in Belfast) sent me some products to review. Their products are free from artificial fragrances, preservatives and colourants and the founder (Sarah Toner)  is passionate about being 100% cruelty free. The products themselves come in beautiful glass bottles, (recyclable also) which gives an old-style apothecary feeling.  


The first product I tried from the range was the Conditioning Body Oil - which was Sarah’s original product. It is light but luxurious and sinks into the skin quickly; perfect for busy mums like me. The ingredients include a blend of pure essential oils and you can use it on both wet or dry skin. Personally I love to apply this immediately after a shower on damp skin as it locks in the moisture leaving a super soft feeling.  My favourite part though, is the scent – a delicate mixture of lemongrass blended with organic bergamot and sandalwood – this really does leave my skin smelling fresh and energized. The price point is amazing at £20, asthe product goes a long way. This is definitely one to watch.


And while my body was getting the Conditioning Body Oil treatment, I spoiled my face with the Revive & Repair Elixir which definitely gives good glow. The elixir is a luxurious blend of Organic Rosehip and Macadamia Nut oil which is the ideal pairing to banish fine lines and perfect skin tone as Macadamia is rich in reparative Vitamin E. Jasmine is another great ingredient as it’s a really calming scent to use before bed and turns your bedroom or bathroom into a relaxing spa.


With the oil nature of the product, I personally prefer to use it in the evenings, after cleansing my face and just before bed. You only have to use the tiniest amount of the elixir as a little does go a long way with this product too. At £18 for 30ml, it’s a great price as the you only have to use the tiniest amount each time.


I have been seriously impressed by Howes Organic and Vegan, I love to support local businesses and I am as much of an animal lover as I am a beauty lover, so this ticks a lot of boxes for me. It’s great to see a company which is passionate about its products (and the environment) doing so well. I highly recommend the two products I have tried and I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest - next on my shopping list are the Himalayan Healing Bath Salts. If you would like to get your hands on some of the Howes Organic and Vegan products you can buy them directly from or from Framar Heath, Iona in Holywood and Eatwell foods.



As I was on holiday at the time of this movie premiere, so I sent F Words team member Debra (find her on Instagram @debra.wray) along in my place  - and she guest blogs her review here…

There’s nothing I love more than getting away with some of my best friends. If you’re like me, then I suggest you get your girls together and head to the cinema to watch “Girls Trip.”  For me it had all the laughs and the LOLs of a modern day girls’ trip.

The film has a strong cast featuring Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Regina Hall and Tiffany Haddish as the “Flossie Posse”, best friends from college who have grown apart over the years. Hall’s character Ryan Pierce is described as the “second coming of Oprah” who has a wildly successful public speaking and writing career alongside her husband Stewart.


Jada Pinkett Smith plays Lisa, a single mum of two, who lives with her overbearing mother and has fallen way out of the dating game. Queen Latifah is Sasha, a former highly regarded journalist who is now scraping the barrel as a gossip blogger with serious financial issues. Less well known Tiffany Haddish plays Dina. It’s hard to describe Dina, but she is someone you’d definitely want as a friend; she’s funny, fierce and loyal, but her temper will get her in trouble.


Ryan is invited to be the keynote speaker at Essence Festival in New Orleans, she sees this is the perfect opportunity to get the group back together for one massive weekend of drinking, debauchery and dancing. However, the trip doesn’t go to plan when it is revealed by Sasha that Ryan’s husband Stewart (Mike Colter) has been having an affair with an Instagram model called Simone. Obviously this doesn’t go to down very well with the ladies and they find the best way to deal with it is to go out and party the night away. Cue “The Hangover” style montages and hijinks. But this film, like “Bridesmaids”, has a whole lot of heart and you can see the camaraderie between the lead actresses which makes their friendship and connection the best part of the film. Jada Pinkett-Smith’s character getting back into the world of sex and dating with a younger man is one of my favourite laugh out loud moments.


Haddish’s character Dina provides the bulk of the laughs, she is the wildest of the Flossy Posse and is not ready to let go getting “white girl wasted.” She manages to steal the film away from her other wildly talented co-stars. The film has many gross-out, laugh-out-loud moments which have been rare in female-driven comedies of late, plus there are many celebrity cameos which keep the film ticking over. I won’t give them all away, but P.Diddy’s cameo is unforgettable.


Their weekend becomes a journey of self-discovery, where friendships are tested in a predictable way - but the charm of this film lies with the raunchy lead characters. They are women you’d definitely want to party with, gossip with and be best friends with. Fiercely loyal and hilarious at the same time, you know they would always be there for you.


The movie is definitely one for the ladies, as at times the humour is as explicit as it is hilarious. It may not win any Academy Awards but it is one you’ll giggle about for days after. You don’t mind the film’s long run time as, by the end, the real heart of the story shines through - the importance of friendship. By the time the credits roll, you’ll be booking a girls’ trip of your own.



Spending 4 weeks of summer on the Vogue Intensive course at Conde Nast meant that my summer passed by in my teen dream whirlwind. It was tough doing my day job at night when the Vogue-ing was done, not to mention squeezing in mummy duties at the same time, but now September is well and truly here and, with Valentina back to school, I am looking forward to stepping into a new season and getting back into a (somewhat) normal routine!

Autumn means burnt colours & crispy leaves; it also brings us the 24th season of FASHIONWEEK (which I am SUPER excited for this year - keep your eyes peeled as our make up partner is the incredible Illamasqua, which I will write about in the coming weeks….)

But for now, let me tell you about a fantastic parcel which arrived one morning this week, after I’d worked past 2AM and woke early, so the drab grey day was the perfect reflection of my sleep-deprived complexion. It was a chic black box, expertly packed from which was filled with products prescribed almost perfectly for my lacklustre and sleep deprived skin.


First up was the Pixie Rose Caviar Essence (£26), I was immediately drawn to this product with its luxurious clear gel that is speckled with pink capsules of rose oil (I am told that the rose oil is encapsulated to keep the ingredients fresh). When I tried this product the first thing I noticed was the gorgeous rose scent, which gently tantalises your senses without being overpowering. Now rose is a scent I used to find slightly nauseating, I’ll admit, but it is a mature aroma and one which I have grown to love as I have got older….

The gel formula felt very slightly sticky when first applied, but it quickly melted into a liquid as I worked it into my skin with the rose oil capsules bursting delicately on contact. And even though there is the presence of rose oil in the gel, it did not leave my skin greasy as you might expect, but did leave my skin feeling SUPER hydrated.  My face was noticeably softer immediately after use and the mulberry extract brightened my complexion – quickly diminishing the sleep-deprived dullness on my skin with a little help from the faint pink tint of the rose oil beads - and what is not to love about that?

Rose Flash Balm-Close-12JAN17.jpg

The second product was the Rose Flash Balm (£24) and it is AMAZING! This stuff literally perks you up quicker than you can say “pick-me-up”.  Oil-free and packed with antioxidants, the rose balm is perfect for days when skin just needs a little lovin’.  What I also love about this product is that you can use it several different ways – as a moisturiser, a mask or as a primer, so I spent this week trying all three.

First up, I applied it instead of my day cream and I can honestly say that my skin instantly felt moisturised and refreshed - it absorbs immediately which is great as you can apply make up straight away – perfect for busy mums, workaholics or gym bunnies on the run. Admittedly I don’t always prime as my sometimes chaotic morning routine doesn’t leave much time for beauty preparations, but when I had the chance to use it as a primer on an already moisturised face going out last night, I noticed that my makeup remained fixed and lasted longer than usual.

Then later this week I used it in its third capacity, as a mask, leaving it on for more than the recommended 5 minutes (20 for me!)  before a quick damp cloth over the top to gently remove it. Again, my skin appeared brighter and felt silky smooth - and continued to do so up until (and including today) - meaning that even though I was sleep deprived my skin was bearing no real evidence, YAY!

I have started carrying this in my handbag to use as a ‘pick-me-up’ on the go, applying it when my skin needs a little boost - and I have to say it really does work, it has deservedly joined the ranks of my ultimate beauty must-haves – yes, it is that good!


One extra thing that the Cloud10 beauty ladies sent me to try was the DOSE of colour Lit It Up matte lipstick which comes in a bullet shape with gorgeous rose gold packaging. A nude lip is definitely my signature style, so the hopscotch shade was perfect, but there are 10 fabulously flattering shades to choose from.

I find that a matte lipstick can sometimes be quite heavy and although the finish was more matte than a traditional creamy lipstick, it glided on smoothly and left my lips feeling moisturised. I didn’t try it myself, because I loved the product on its own despite worries about a matte finish, but I imagine a swipe of gloss would enhance the colour and give a glossy look if that was the desired overall effect.


The unique shape of the lipstick makes it amazingly easy to get a defined edge when you apply so you don’t need lip liner – although I like my lip liner a shade darker to really define the lips so I did apply it, but that is just personal preference.
The colour is perfect for everyday wear and I have been reaching for it all week. Compared to normal lipsticks I found it to be long lasting and when it did wear off it tended to fade rather than become patchy.  I think I will try the Fudge shade next…

Until next time,

Cathy x

Shop the collection now at


It’s quite unbelievable that M&S has been part of the shopping landscape in Belfast for fifty years. But then, I find it hard to believe that I am not a decade off fifty myself – eeks!

This month, the iconic retail brand celebrated the landmark with loads of instore activity and a lovely nod to the past with an archive exhibition at the Donegall Place store. And whilst I found it amazing to look back in awe and wonder at some really fab pieces, I fell totally love with the new collection’s coats on my last visit. 

Having worked in the textiles industry in the past, I am a stickler for fabric quality and thankfully, M&S consistently delivers with pieces which work in terms of both form and function – they fit and flatter. Coats are thoughtfully and thoroughly designed – and they last at least a few winters, while blouses retain their pizazz even after a whole season’s outings.

This season, heritage fabrics and rich earthy colours set the Autumnal tone in the brand’s AW17 collection, as traditional looks are reworked with a contemporary twist. Checks, sumptuous velvets and statement knits are given a chic update; because classics never go out of style.

The softer side of luxury is explored as cosy furs meet pastel florals and a warmth of metallic. Daywear is elevated; blurring the conventional day to night mood and making the everyday, extra special.

The colour rules are redefined, as head to toe hues take centre stage. (And this, I love – been doing it for ever now!) The M&S AW17 collection encourages women to stride into the new season with bold colour combinations; deep red, rich fuchsia, inky navy and warm caramel, and pave the way for a daring new direction. I’m in!

Modern Heritage

Classics with a contemporary twist

Autograph Trench £89, Top £45 &, Skirt £49.50

Autograph Trench £89, Top £45 &, Skirt £49.50

Soft Touch

A little luxury everyday

Per Una Coat £89

Per Una Coat £89

Colour Code

The bold and the beautiful

M&S Collection Coat £99, Jumper £17.50, Trouser £35, Bag £79 & Shoe £45

M&S Collection Coat £99, Jumper £17.50, Trouser £35, Bag £79 & Shoe £45

Light After Dark

Shine out in the crowd

Autograph Coat £99, Belt £12.50 & Boot £49.50

Autograph Coat £99, Belt £12.50 & Boot £49.50


You know the summer is coming to a close when the Autumn West Coast Cooler FASHIONWEEK invitation comes in, and who better to pick the best dressed from this season’s press launch than the fierce female behind FASHIONWEEK herself, none other than Belfast Times columnist/blogger Cathy Martin?

Each and every season the FASHIONWEEK shows and events come around so quickly, and in between the organisation of the events, I field questions and comments from show goers and fashion fans alike - and ‘what should I wear?’ is one of the most common questions! The truth is that these days, most things go, as long as they’re worn with sass and confidence. And another truth is, I often have no idea what I will wear myself to host the shows until about an hour before!

I’m always inspired by our guests and audience members though, and very often they pull out all the stops to up the ante on the style stakes. At our recent press launch in Bullitt, I hardly got chatting to anyone - the event flew by in just an hour and we had over 150 guests, so I missed catch ups with about 149 of them! I did take some time afterwards to pore over our photographers’ pictures, and have whittled the city’s style mavens down to my top ten (ok, eleven) fave looks from the day - in no particular order I might add!


First up, the navy ladies. I loved blogger Louise Vance and ASDA PR Fiona Anderson’s navy looks. It was the colour I chose to sport myself, so it definitely got a thumbs up from me as a chic alternative to the typical fashionista favourite, black.


There were two woodland green looks that I loved also - my chum Claudia Brown, who was with me this summer for my VOGUE intensive experience, came over for the launch and helped me style up some looks. While there, she raided my styling rail and wore In Chlomo on top and Pimkie green velvet flares on the bottom. The look was topped off with some William Morris frames from our official eyewear partner, and the overall effect was very cool.  Teenager Lucy Watson looked super sophisticated and beyond her years in an AKANI dress with elegant arm detail - sure to be a hit on the runway in October.


Looking all white was blogger Emily Hancock in a backless LWD, studded shoes and a cool pair of Sixties-inspired glasses. Siobhan Murphy from Shiv on Style blog wore a white based floral dress with just enough trim to get you guessing if it was Gucci or Gabbana. Whatever it was, it was totally of-the-moment for the balmy late August afternoon that was in it.


Also sporting florals, and rarely one to miss my top ten style watch, is friend and designer Katie Larmour, who wore a black mesh skirt with a richly coloured Jacquard-weave jacket peppered with the colours of an autumnal bouquet. She’s a massive Balenciaga fan, so I’d put my money on that for this jacket, while the studs on her bag suggest Valentino, and on her feet, those are unmistakeably Louboutins.


Vloggers Melissa Riddell and Niamh Cunningham were almost twinning at the launch with their super tight black skinnies and pops of this season’s fave colour - red - as well as the obvious similarities in their fab wavy/curly blonde hair. I loved Melissa’s red fringe earrings and Niamh’s wrap top fringing. Actually, there was definitely a fringe earring memo out there, because at one point I saw bloggers Aisling Gallagher, Katie Andrew, Lauren Foley, Danielle Donohoe and Emma Jane Mooney all lined up together for a selfie, and all wearing them (if only I had that shot here!)


Melissa also nodded to Dior with her slogan tee and she topped off her look with some amazing eyewear by William Morris. In fact she loved her new frames so much she has since had her prescription lenses put into them.

Finally - the ladies in black included make up artist and blogger Rosie Kirk who daringly added metalics to her look with a sexy fishtail skirt; and lastly two of my F Words speakers Tiffany Brien and Kim Constable looked just the business for two of the hardest working people online here. Kim was spectacularly dressed by Peel on Bloomfield Avenue while Tiffany wore a fab M&S dress that I also have - and one that I could live in, every day!  

So that’s a wrap - for more details on the BFW shows, you can always contact me directly from the links on


Beautiful plants, from tropical curiosities to the simplest of herbs, have the ability to enhance and brighten any space, from the smallest kitchen to the unending office. But a plant with an attractive and interesting vase carries even more sway - and the innovative LYFE Levitating Planter brings the humble vase into the future.

A stunning new creation that brings together cutting-edge technology and the power of nature, the LYFE Levitating Planter reinvents the concept of a vase by using the power of magnetic levitation. The planter floats in the air above a real oak base as it gently rotates - it’s truly mesmerising to watch, but the rotation also serves a practical purpose by ensuring your plant always gets the full range of light and shade.

But the eye-catching design of the LYFE Levitating Planter isn’t enough for the inventive design team behind it. Following an explosively successful fundraising campaign, the LYFE Levitating Planter is perfect for Air Plants, conversation starting plants that grow in the air. With no need for soil, and no hassle from soil spills and muddy water, the LYFE Levitating Planter and its Air Plants are perfect for any modern office or minimalist home. The LYFE Levitating Planter is now available with a choice of three stunning Air Plants, from the calming Juncea to the out of this world Caput Medusae… You can also chose an empty planter, and grow whatever Air Plant takes your fancy! I have chosen the Medusae…

LYFE Levitating Planter 2.jpg

This totally modern way to go green is lightweight, portable, simple to use and simple to maintain. Powered by an ultra-efficient AC Adaptor, no batteries are required. Should power be lost, the planter drops to its base, keeping your Air Plant completely protected. According to NASA clean air studies, just one plant for every 100 sq. ft is all it takes to increase air quality, filter toxins, and decrease stress levels. With the LYFE Levitating Planter you can achieve all of that, while bringing a beautiful, head-turning, botanical centrepiece into your space!

Available to order at:



If you wouldn’t Instagram it, don’t decorate with it; that is the main rule of thumb when it comes to interiors for millennials. (Actually, on that note, what I am if I’m too old to be a millennial and too young to be a Baby Boomer? I don’t like the Gen X label as it was originally coined for post-WWII American kids, but that is for a whole other blog…)  Anyway, back to the point… 

Textures, geometrics and flashes of metallic are all high on the instagrammer’s decorating cheat sheet. Star purchases, such as the new velvet upholstered Effie sofa and armchair from Cult Furniture, offer swoon-worthy style for a millennial budget. With velvet trending highly on the social sphere, the plush Effie is also complemented by gold toned legs, with colour options boasting a steel blue hue or the aptly entitled, ‘millennial pink’.

CULT FURNITURE - One in a millennial_ of the age interiors from Cult Furniture.jpg

Millennial interiors call out for rousing graphic prints and strong visual emblems, to set a scene irresistibly photo-ready. The Cult Living Mountain Print Framed Poster ticks all boxes with its geometric outline with flashes of pink, marble and metallic. The Irving Block Table Lamp is as simple in its structure, as it is unusual in presentation. The use of marble gives the lamp a distinctly opulent edge.

Warm up your millennial aesthetic with the Malini Mongolian Sheepskin Cushion. With its luxe finish and pale pink, grey or cream colourway, this shaggy shearling cushion features contrast leather on one side for a cosy, and tip-top textural finish. Mix up all three hues for a perfectly-coordinated look or create a clash of textures by adding a contrast cushion in velvet or cotton.

1. Cult Living Irving Block Table Lamp, White Marble; £49
2. Bloomingville Decorative Ceramic Pineapple, Grey; £26
3. Cult Living Effie Armchair, Velvet Upholstered, Blue; £449
4. Cult Living Mountain Print Framed Poster, White And Pink, A2; £25
5. Cult Living 100% Cotton Aztec Diamond Moroccan Kilim Rug, Black Multi; £150
6. Cult Living Effie Armchair, Velvet Upholstered, Pink; £449
7. Malini Mongolian Sheepskin Cushion – Grey; £49
8. Cult Living Effie 2 Seater Loveseat Sofa, Velvet Upholstered, Pink; £699

020 8185 6960 |


Blue is set to be a growing trend when it comes to choosing furniture in 2017. Encouraged by the growing popularity of forest, sky and water tones on everything from cushions to pendant lamps, decorators are now opting for larger statement pieces in various shades of blue. This really beautiful Pelham sofa by RUME is the ultimate in elegance and an absolute trend setter. Shown here in inky blue velvet, it has luxurious duck and reflex seat cushions, a deep buttoned body and can be either piped or nailed. Each Pelham takes up to a week to upholster but it is definitely worth the time and care taken as the result is the one of the most beautiful Chesterfields that you can buy. This is one item that’s on my home wish list for this year.


Call 01273 777 810 or log on to for the full range (which is totally dreamy).


This summer I have fallen in love with marble and warm metallics for my sun room. One design company which is jumping on this mixed material trend in a very good way is Distinctify. They have created the perfect piece that incorporates this stylish duo in the most elegant way!


Available from September, The Piccolo side table is a hexagonal gem that will instantly add the new opulence look to your interiors, which is hotly tipped to be huge for AW17.

The combination of the hexagonal marble surface and the caged rose gold legs are a match made in heaven, hitting three top trends in one form that will bring gorgeous tone and texture to your home.


Whether it’s placed next to your sofa or your bed, the Piccolo side table it is bound to complement your living room, bedroom or even as a feature piece in a modish office. Plus, let’s not forget how pretty marble is as a backdrop to all the best Instagram flat lay pictures!

The Piccolo Side Table featured here is 470mm (height) x 370mm x 370mm and costs £159.00

Order online at or call 0203 198 7218


If you’re a massive Vogue fan like me who had the famous ‘supermodel’ cover on her bedroom wall at 16 years old, then an opportunity to work and learn at the very heart of the nation’s (nay, the world’s) fashion bible is something to jump at - to jump ridiculously high and excitedly at. So when, last December, I got word back from Conde Nast College that, at 43 years old, I had been admitted to their Vogue Intensive summer intake, I was beaming.

Why did I want to go back to school and be at the bottom end of the chain when I had reached relatively great heights back here at home?

Well, to continue formal learning at any age has a disruptor effect. One is forced to rethink how things are done and to use the time for introspection to discover a better way. I had an overwhelming desire to learn more, to experience new kinds of creativity and to mix with exciting people full of fresh ideas and global influences.

For a few reasons, childcare being the most important one, I kept my summer plans quite low key and told only 4-5 people until about May, when I had accommodation and travel arrangements all sorted for myself and my five year old daughter Valentina, who I had planned to bring along with me for the ride. Being a single mum is not easy. Being a single mum and having to go home every night to do bathtime and prep packed lunches for camp the next day, then spend the evening on a laptop catching up on the day job when your twentysomething colleagues hit London town is, I found out, really quite hard. I come from a large family and like feeling part of a pack, so I suffered big doses of FOMO.  

Practicalities out of the way, I then planned my wardrobe. Of course! I needed to streamline packing but choose clothes which were interesting enough yet practical for the summer heatwave and the rain which followed, plus allthe walking required in London meant that my usual Jimmy Choo Anouks just weren’t going to cut it over there.

I actually kept a photo diary of some things that my colleagues were wearing for the first three weeks and I cant wait to look back on that in weeks and months ahead to see what we all wore with the benefit of perspective. One colleague, Ari Peralta, wins my fashion award. He dressed en pointe each and every day.

On arrival I met with colleagues from over 20 nationalities and we discovered that our common passion ensured that the flames of fashion were well and truly ignited. After a fun initiation day (which included a fashion pub quiz - an idea for FASHIONWEEK maybe?) we got stuck in and learnt about fashion history from Suzanne Lussier, then fashion futures from Katie Friedlander, among others.


Among my favourite characters while there were Vogue editor-at-large Fiona Golfar who was funny and fascinating in equal measure; and John the doorman at Vogue House, who seemed to have an uncanny knack of knowing where every one of the 750 Conde Nast staff were at any given time. In fact, there were quite a few interesting characters it has to be said.

Sadly, I didn’t get to see Edward Enninful, the incoming editor, who hit the news recently with his alleged ‘purge of the posh’ after former editor Alexandra Schulman’s departure, but I did enjoy an insightful carrot juice with one incoming editor from back home who was welcoming and warm in equal measure.

Day to day, we were mostly learning, but also working on practical projects and even pitched October edition ideas for critique, which was scary - and that’s saying something considering I’ve been public speaking for almost two decades - doing my TED talk in 2015 was less nerve-wracking!


During  my time there I shot a still life for Manolo Blahnik, and although I did a team shoot with a grey fur boot, I had personally fallen in love with a green, egg-shaped clutch bag with a Swarovski handle at the brief. On seeing it, I immediately thought of a greedy magpie, who would steal the sparkle for her nest. So the night before I set about collecting branches, feathers and twigs in nearby Battersea Park and then built a nest from scratch, twisting and binding the wood and blades of hay together, then spray painting it white to show off the bag’s colour and to give a Christmassy appeal. If we had time, I would shoot it as well as our group shot. Thankfully, we did, and I was able to use a magpie feather borrowed from milliner and friend Grainne Maher on a trip home placing it nonchalantly beside the nest when shooting it. Our photographer loved it. I was delighted to get fab feedback afterwards, for both my own extra shot and our team shoot, but the biggest pleasure came when I opened the September edition of Vogue a few weeks later and saw the bag in the Manolo ad campaign, with a magpie silhouette beside it. Not bad, eh? I was on the same track as the brand team. Beaming again!

As well as the still life shoot, I worked with an American-Swiss-Irish-Australian group of fab ladies on a portfolio fashion classics shoot including a biker jacket and a body suit which was a really fun project. I sourced a red skirt from Belfast designer Gordon Donaldson and picked up a sexy red swimsuit in TopShop to style it up. The team paired the look with my colleague Sofia’s Balenciaga boots and another colleague Scarlett’s Moschino bag as well as some earrings I’d bought but not yet worn. We had so much fun directing our beautiful model Gardelina to run and jump in front of the lens.


My least favourite part was using photoshop and InDesign. I felt really out of my comfort zone as I had previously always outsourced all elements of design, however having identified this as a weakness, I have now invested in these programmes and aim to practice more so I can produce my own artwork or blog content when I want to.

When Valentina wasn’t around (she didn’t stay the full four weeks), I managed to visit the Balenciaga exhibition at the V&A, the Tate Modern, The Saatchi Gallery (Self Expression to Selfie is a fantastic exhibition), the Fashion & Textiles Museum, the amazing Grayson Perry exhibition at the Serpentine and many more artistic experiences. I lounged on the rooftop pool at the Ned, ate in Sushi Samba, SoHo House, the Soho Hotel, J Sheeky’s, Bob Bob Ricard’s, The Ivy, Sketch, Bluebird and quite a few other awesome eateries. I watched Jez Butterworth’s amazing play The Ferryman (and took Valentina to see School of Rock also) then I sank a couple of cosmos at Dean Street Townhouse with my former BBC colleague Ceire Deery, who produced the BRITs for 15 years and is about to produce the MTV EMAs in London in November. I also caught up with Michaela Weir, now super senior in House of Fraser as well as many other NI alumni doing great things in London at Little House and Morton’s in Mayfair and joined the Christmas press launches for Selfridges, Debenhams and House of Fraser, among others.

The city is as vibrant and inspiring as ever and, despite a jam-packed schedule, the experience of spending a month there has left me refreshed, re-energised and ready to tackle the next few months (years) with gusto. My colleagues - young and old - taught me as much as the training team did - I learnt from them in so many ways, and made some nice friendships along the way, in spite of my initial FOMO.  

This feature first appeared in Northern Woman magazine, September 2017.


Summer is here and with it comes the long-awaited holiday countdown… And after an extremely busy start to the year it is safe to say I am counting down the days until mine!
For me, holidays are about taking time to relax, have fun and - if I am lucky enough - to return home with a golden glow.


This summer is all about the inflatables. I don’t think any of us could have missed them floating all over the internet and social media, from Sofia Vergara to Bella Hadid and even our friends’ holiday Insta pics it seems that EVERYONE is on board this latest craze. What’s not to love lazing about a pool on a giant unicorn or flamingo? (And it does make for the greatest insta pics!)


To the delight of inflatable-lovers everywhere, PASX has collaborated with Sunny Life to create its own range of inflatables they are uh-mazing! Spectacular, eye-catching and fun – they definitely tick all the boxes and are guaranteed to bring a little extra sun into our lives. All that’s left to do is choose whether I will be lounging on a Golden Swan, Flamingo, Pineapple, Watermelon or Rainbow and then hop on and float away – bring on the fun!


Check them out at:


Unless you've done your homework or some pre-show research, it's not until the third act of this gripping drama that it is explained who The Ferryman in Jez Butterworth's play title links back to. It is of course the mythical Cheron, who ferried souls across the River Styx - except the souls of those who had lied to innocents and those whose bones remain unburied.

But no matter, because there is a whole host of 'stuff' going on - including a live goose, a couple of live rabbits and swearing, glug-swigging children as well as gripping plot lines woven into a historical context with the IRA hunger strikes, Margaret Thatcher's reign as British prime minister and a missing body becoming a political pawn merely by the silence around its recent discovery - to keep you occupied. And it's important to note that this 'stuff' makes for a long performance - 180+ minutes to be precise - but that didn't deter me, nor the thousands who are queuing up to see this masterful follow up to ‘Jerusalem’; because between Butterworth and director Sam Mendes, the content is both interesting and awe-inspiring to watch. 

The play, which is superbly directed by Mendes, is set in an Armagh farmhouse in 1981, where the extended Carney family lives and through which various family members come and go like a busy bus stop. And in this respect, Mendes is as much choreographer as director. Characters are quickly established though, despite the sheer numbers (the play features a cast of 21) and one gets a true sense of how a large family operated in the much more austere early 1980s. Had I not grown up in the 1980s in a bustling family home with seven children and almost 40 cousins on my maternal side alone, I might not have believed the comings and goings as possible, but this side of the story rang very true for me. There was a lot of traffic in our living room at times too, although not as much whiskey. I think that part has been exaggerated to fit with a ‘fightin’ Irish’ stereotype a little.

Family patriarch, Quinn Carney (superbly played by Paddy Considine, who makes his stage debut in The Ferryman) has long since denounced violence with the IRA in favour of life as a farmer with his wife and eight children. From the time his brother Seamus went missing 10 years previously, his sister-in-law Caitlin (Laura Donnelly) and her son have lived as an integral part of the household.

The (very cleverly written) dialogue is powerful and poignant and touches upon emotional personal relationships, love and loss and well as pride, identity and nationalism. The overriding theme though, is that of ambiguous loss. When a family or a community experiences an ambiguous loss, i.e. the loss of a loved one whose physical body is missing, those left behind often create their own meanings and endings to the mysterious stories of disappearance. And as we humans are individual, our story endings (and therefore our expectations and how we manage them) in those kinds of situations are also different and, at times, conflicting. It’s no surprise then, that this situation can create conflict and confusion in families, and we see this pan out as the play develops. It was interesting to see how, as well as the physical ambiguous loss surrounding the ‘Disappeared’ Seamus Carney, we also see the psychological ambiguous loss of Aunt Maggie Far Away  (played brilliantly by Brid Brennan) whose dementia (if that’s what it is) leads her to tell her own roguish versions of her childhood loves, and memories and thoughts as a seer are shared in a magical, fairytale and humane way. The kids who play the family’s children are fantastic supporting actors to her in a couple of scenes as this happens.  

Aunt Maggie is wonderfully juxtaposed with militant Aunt Pat, who is a hardened Republican and IRA supporter. And I couldn’t help but feel endeared to Mary Carney, although Laura Donnelly’s Caitlin is the most favourable and formidable character - her tenacity and strength, as well as good values in the face of a suppressed love developed over a decade for her host Quinn Carney. 

Mendes and Butterworth have worked together before on the scripts for Skyfall and Spectre, the director's two Bond films, but this is their first theatrical collaboration and one which will not disappoint, despite its 3 hour duration. This rich, political and personal production kept me hooked and absorbed in every single scene.


I love summer – feel-good tunes blare out from the radio, days are longer and the official countdown to our summer holidays begin.
As we finally begin to bring out our summer dresses, we can now bear to bare a little flesh as, thanks to some much-needed sunshine, our skin is starting to lose its pale winter complexion in favour of a new golden glow (personally I’m faking it ‘til I make it with the help of some fake tan!)

I am spending July in London training at Conde Nast (yes, at 43 I am ticking off one of the first things on my bucket list, channelling the mantra - “if you want something go out and grab it” - and so that’s exactly what I did, although admittedly I am a teeny bit nervous…) and as the weather there tends to be a little warmer, combined with the humidity and non-stop hustle and bustle of London life, I began looking for long-lasting, melt-proof makeup which simultaneously endures the heat, protecting against sweat and shine.

So when my fairy godmother (Debenhams) heard my cries and dropped a delectable beauty package at BFW HQ, I decided it was time to turn up the heat and try the range out against the wear and tear of summer…

The package was loaded with Nude by Nature goodies - Australia’s No. 1 mineral makeup brand which has finally arrived on UK shelves thanks to Debenhams.

I am a big advocate of caring for your skin, believing prevention is better than a cure and I am meticulous about removing my make up before sleeping (a valuable lesson ignored my 20-something self, of course) as well as cleansing, toning and moisturising. Although this means I usually have a pretty good canvas to work off, my skin can become dehydrated and lacklustre at times so I like a makeup with buildable coverage and optimum staying power!

I have also become more aware of the things that I put on my skin as I get older, so when I read that the ingredients in the Nude by Nature products are vegan-friendly and 100% natural, including Kakadu Plum, an Australian fruit that is very high in Vitamin C, I was definitely interested.

As I first unwrapped the package I was greeted with products encased in beautiful rose gold packaging – guaranteed to add a little touch of pretty glamour to your makeup bag!

My job often sees me attending events where dinner and drinks are served in abundance and I find these can take a toll on your skin. Therefore, I always try and give my skin time to breathe and recover – going make-up free when I can.
As well as this, like many women out there, my morning routine is definitely not time-friendly between work, my 5 year old daughter, working out and all the other commitments that we have.  
Therefore, because of this, BB cream is one of my absolute beauty must-haves! Personally, I usually find that they can be a bit of a hit or miss, but the Nude by Nature Sheer Glow BB Cream £22 evened out my skin tone and give me a light, natural finish. After using this for a couple of weeks I noticed my skin felt softer and definitely looked more hydrated (apparently this is because of the moisturising Aloe Vera.) It also has an SPF8 giving you a little added protection everyday – yay.

At work, I am usually rushing from one thing to another and this means I rarely have time to touch up my makeup, so I tend to choose a long lasting makeup and I always prime to even out my skin and keep my makeup lasting longer.

The Nude by Nature Perfecting Primer £22 made my makeup stay put all day without any major touch-ups needed. I do suffer from excess oil on my t-zone and this can often cause my makeup to melt away over the course of the day but I must admit, I definitely noticed I didn’t need to touch it up nearly as often when wearing this primer - leaving my inner self rejoicing each time she looked in the mirror and seen the makeup still in place!

Next up was the Nude by Nature Touch of Glow Highlight Stick £18. During the day I would often apply highlighter under my foundation to give my skin a nice dewy look and this highlighter definitely left my skin glowing. It has a cream to powder texture so it was really easy to blend in and it also comes in 3 different shades so there is a look for everyone. My top tip – apply a little highlighter to your lips to give your lipstick an extra touch of glam!

I am a big fan of loose eyeshadows so I was quite excited to try the Nude by Nature Shimmering Sands Loose Eyeshadow £15 and it definitely did not disappoint! The product has an integrated brush applicator which means it is really easy to use and not as messy as other loose shadows I have used in the past. For dinner with the girls I used the eye shadow to create a bright and luminous look which all the girls complimented me on and it lasted all evening which I loved.

Naturally I have long eye lashes, but I always wear mascara to give them some extra definition. The Allure Defining Mascara £16 was really buildable making it perfect for both day and night, without getting that clumpy look that you can get with mascaras when attempting to build coverage.

It separated and lengthened my lashes beautifully and really opened up my eyes, giving them a gorgeous natural finish. The mascara is also enriched with Pro Vitamin B5 which is great for conditioning your lashes over time – perfect if like me, you wear mascara most days.

On the days that I go makeup free or only apply BB cream, I use concealer to cover any small blemishes that I may have that day. The Nude by Nature Perfecting Concealer £20 was great as it covered everything that I wanted it to whilst also fiving my skin a gorgeous glow – you could even wear this without foundation it is that good and I do not say that lightly!

Next up was the Natural Illusion Pressed Eyeshadow £14 which comes in a range of finishes; matte, satin and sheen, I love the matte shades for everyday looks whilst the satin and sheen shades effortlessly take your look into the evening.

To finish my makeup I would usually add a bit of loose powder to really set my look and keep it lasting longer. The Loose Finishing Powder£22 has a translucent finish so I was able to apply it effortlessly and I noticed that I hardly had to touch up all day, perfect when you’re always on the go.

During summer when I am lucky enough to have a bit of a tan I would often add a bit of bronzer to my face to give my skin a nice ‘summer glow’. The Natural Glow Loose Bronzer £18 definitely left my skin looking naturally radiant, it also naturally adapts to your own skin tone which I loved.

As well as Nude by Nature there were also products from Too Faced, including the Brow Quickie Brush-On Brow Fibre Gel £17. I don’t usually do much to my eye brows as part of my daily routine, but this is an area I would like to start working on and so this was my perfect opportunity! This gel mimics real hair, allowing you to place the product exactly where you need it. The product is also buildable making it easy to use. I noticed a big difference in my eyebrows and they definitely looked full and naturally defined – this has definitely become a makeup bag essential for me!

I also tried the Too Faced Born This Way Concealer £20. After a particularly busy night spent working until after 2am and up again at 7am,  I used this creamy little saviour to cover the dark circles under my eyes – attempting to give me the “I’ve just slept 8 hours look”. It has a complete coverage so it is great for hiding any imperfections and it felt luxuriously soft on the skin, making my sleepless night a lot less obvious!

Also in my little bag of goodies was the Too Faced Natural Love Eyeshadow Palette £52.  Eyeliner and eyeshadow are definitely part of my signature look but I have had a bit of a realisation lately with the fact that so many people find eye makeup absolutely terrifying, if you are one of them then this palette is perfect for you.  It is packed with 30 nude and neutral shadows which range from matte to gorgeous shimmery shades that will take your look from day to night. It is a bit on the pricey side but it is definitely worth it (and so are you!). The eyeshadows are amazingly pigmented and are so easy to blend (perfect if you find blending difficult – the trick is to use a soft brush when blending, aiming to blur the lines of each eye shadow colour). It also comes with a small guide which gives you loads of ideas on different looks.

The last product I tried was the Laura Geller Beach Matte Baked Hydrating Bronzer £33, I am a big fan of the Laura Geller products so I did have high expectations of this product and it definitely did not disappoint! I actually wore this on its own when out running some errands and it give my skin a gorgeous subtle glow that looked completely natural. I plan on using this throughout summer to complement my natural tan.

If you’re looking for some summer inspiration then why not give Debenhams a visit – they are killing it with their beauty selection. With my own search finally over and armed with the latest beauty must-haves, I am now definitely ready - London, here I come.

Until next time,

Cathy x